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Youtube Thumbnail Counting Numbers | Numbers 1-20 Lesson for Children
Counting Numbers | Numbers 1-20 Lesson for Children
by The Singing Walrus - English Songs For Kids
8:23 - 8,602,698 views

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"Counting Numbers 1-20" is a fun video for kids that teachers how to count from 1 to 20.

The first scene slowly introduces the numbers 1-20 by counting little stars on the screen, first counting from 1-20, then counting backwards from 20-1.

In the second scene, the video finishes with a fun number game where the children have to count the stars on the screen!

This video is the perfect supplement to our popular numbers song "Counting from 1-20". It can be used as an introductory video before showing the numbers song.

Don't forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel! We have more number songs:

- Numbers song: 1-10


- Numbers song: 10-20


- Numbers song: 10 to 100 (counting by 10s)


- Numbers song: 5-50 (counting by 5s)


We also have worksheets for kids on our website:


Support The Singing Walrus! Contribute to our Patreon campaign:

The Singing Walrus creates fun teaching materials, such as kids songs, educational games, nursery rhymes, and kindergarten worksheets (e.g. handwriting worksheets) for parents and teachers. Come and join our community on Facebook, or subscribe to our Youtube Channel!

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheSingingWalrus
Youtube Thumbnail Big Numbers Song | Count to 100 Song | The Singing Walrus
Big Numbers Song | Count to 100 Song | The Singing Walrus
by The Singing Walrus - English Songs For Kids
4:22 - 67,235,181 views

Subscribe to our website for $3.99 USD monthly / $39.99 USD yearly! Watch all of our videos ad free, plus weekly printables and more:

Our "Count to 100 Song" is a fun challenge for children who are learning big numbers! This is another great teaching supplement for teachers and parents who would like to practice some basic counting and math skills with their students / kids.

Chant along with our characters as they count from 1-100 in groups of twenty. The chorus is catchy, easy to sing along, and so funky that you and your kids will start making up dance moves on the spot :)

Use this song for your kids in preschool, kindergarten, daycare, or for homeschooling!

As with many of our educational songs for kids, we also wrote this counting song with the young ESL / EFL learners in mind. The lyrics are definitely easy enough to be used by students with basic English skills.

Buy this song (mp3):

Buy this video from Sellfy (mp4):

Here are the lyrics of our "Count to 100 Song":

Count to 100, come and count with me!
Count to 100, come and count with me!
I can count from 1-20
I can count from 1-20

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Count to 100, come and count with me!
Count to 100, come and count with me!
I can count from 20-40
I can count from 20-40

21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

Count to 100, come and count with me!
Count to 100, come and count with me!
I can count from 40-60
I can count from 40-60

41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60

Count to 100, come and count with me!
Count to 100, come and count with me!
I can count from 60-80
I can count from 60-80

61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80

Count to 100, come and count with me!
Count to 100, come and count with me!
I can count from 80-100
I can count from 80-100

81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90
91,92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100

Count to 100, come and count with me!
Count to 100, come and count with me!
I can count from 1-100
I can count from 1-100
Youtube Thumbnail Number song 1-20 for children | Counting numbers | The Singing Walrus
Number song 1-20 for children | Counting numbers | The Singing Walrus
by The Singing Walrus - English Songs For Kids
2:11 - 64,056,259 views

Subscribe to our website for $3.99 USD monthly / $39.99 USD yearly! Watch all of our videos ad free, plus weekly printables and more:

The Singing Walrus presents "Number song 1-20 for children" - an upbeat chant that helps kids count the numbers 1-20. The kids all count from 1-20 together three times, each time counting faster than the previous. This is perfect for preschool aged children, and for young learners of ESL and EFL!

Buy this video from Sellfy (mp4):

Buy the song from iTunes:

Special thanks to the following Patreon contributors:

Mayu Sasaki

The Singing Walrus creates fun teaching materials, such as kids songs, educational games, nursery rhymes, and kindergarten worksheets (e.g. handwriting worksheets) for parents and teachers. Come and join our community on Facebook, or subscribe to our Youtube Channel!

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheSingingWalrus
Twitter: http://twitter.com/InfoWalrus
Website: http://thesingingwalrus.com

**All illustration, animation, music, and voice work produced by The Singing Walrus
Youtube Thumbnail Funky Counting Song | Numbers 1-10 | The Singing Walrus
Funky Counting Song | Numbers 1-10 | The Singing Walrus
by The Singing Walrus - English Songs For Kids
4:11 - 9,956,023 views

Subscribe to our website for $3.99 USD monthly / $39.99 USD yearly! Watch all of our videos ad free, plus weekly printables and more:

Here is another basic counting song for young learners that engages both body and mind!

Your kids get to count from 1 to 10 three times (first slow, then a little faster) while following the little chick's dance steps. This song will provide a quick moment of exercise and relaxation for your kids (and you
Youtube Thumbnail Days of the Week Song | The Singing Walrus
Days of the Week Song | The Singing Walrus
by The Singing Walrus - English Songs For Kids
2:29 - 162,291,233 views

Subscribe to our website for $3.99 USD monthly / $39.99 USD yearly! Watch all of our videos ad free, plus weekly printables and more:

Our "Days of the week song" is an interactive reggae-style tune that helps children remember all the days of the week in a fun way. Mother Hen leads the children to sing the days of the week in various styles - quiet, loud, and fast.

As the song starts, Mr. Crabby greets the children and asks them to listen to Mother Hen sing the first verse. When the second verse starts, Bear, Cat, Pig, and Dog appear to sing along. Mr. Crabby encourages the audience to repeat after Mother Hen.
The third and fourth verse is sung quietly and loud. Last but not least, Bear, Cat, Pig and Dog appear with their instruments, and the whole song is sung really fast!

Enjoy this song in the classroom or at home with your kids! They will have memorized the days of the week in no time!

If you like this video, don't forget to click the LIKE button :)

Buy & Download this Song (mp3):
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/artist/the-singing-walrus/id992755520
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/artist/The_Singing_Walrus?id=Acadfghn7zw3q5i2c6bfr3gmcnu&hl=en

Buy & Download this video (mp4):

The Singing Walrus creates fun teaching materials, such as kids songs, educational games, nursery rhymes, and kindergarten worksheets (e.g. handwriting worksheets) for parents and teachers. Come and join our community on Facebook, or subscribe to our Youtube Channel!

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheSingingWalrus
Twitter: http://twitter.com/InfoWalrus
Website: http://thesingingwalrus.com

**All illustration, animation, music, and voice work produced by The Singing Walrus
Youtube Thumbnail Days of the Week Lesson for Kids | The Singing Walrus
Days of the Week Lesson for Kids | The Singing Walrus
by The Singing Walrus - English Songs For Kids
3:55 - 1,684,922 views

Subscribe to our website for $3.99 USD monthly / $39.99 USD yearly! Watch all of our videos ad free, plus weekly printables and more:

This video is a supplement to our popular "Days of the Week" music video. Join Mr. Crabby as he reviews all 7 days of the week in this fun and interactive video!

Watch our "Days of the Week" song video here:


The Singing Walrus creates fun teaching materials, such as kids songs, educational games, nursery rhymes, and kindergarten worksheets (e.g. handwriting worksheets) for parents and teachers. Come and join our community on Facebook, or subscribe to our Youtube Channel!

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheSingingWalrus
Twitter: http://twitter.com/InfoWalrus
Website: http://thesingingwalrus.com

**All illustration, animation, music, and voice work produced by The Singing Walrus
Youtube Thumbnail Fruit Song for Kids | The Singing Walrus
Fruit Song for Kids | The Singing Walrus
by The Singing Walrus - English Songs For Kids
3:23 - 19,668,321 views

Subscribe to our website for $3.99 USD monthly / $39.99 USD yearly! Watch all of our videos ad free, plus weekly printables and more:

The fruit song for kids is a fun way for children to learn some of the more common fruits we eat. The song uses an interactive call and response structure that makes it really easy to sing along. It also incorporates the days of the week, so that children can become more familiar with them.

In each verse, Little Chick talks about how she eats fruits every single day, describing which particular fruit she eats on which day. Every sentence is repeated by the Three Little Cows (and the audience).

We kept the chorus really easy, only using "Naa, naa, naa" as lyrics because we want the children to relax and enjoy the music in this part. You can do lots of fun things during the chorus: dance, jump, swing the arms, play the air guitar.... :D

During the breakdown, Little Chick and the Cows say the names of each fruit one more type, in a rhythmical call-and-response-chant.

Enjoy our fun Fruit Song, and feel free to share the video with friends and colleagues! Don't forget to click "Like" and leave comments under the video. Any kind of feedback is much appreciated as we always try to improve our materials :-D

Buy & Download this Song (mp3):
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/artist/the-singing-walrus/id992755520

If you like this video, don't forget to click the LIKE button :)

Watch other great music videos by The Singing Walrus:

Here are the lyrics (words in brackets are the responses by the Cows/audience):

Naa, naa, na-na-na-naaa (4x)

Verse 1:

I eat fruit
(I eat fruit)
Every single day!

I eat fruit
(I eat fruit)
Every single day!

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays!
(Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays!)

Mondays I eat apples.
(Mondays I eat apples.)

Tuesdays I eat pears.
(Tuesdays I eat pears.)

Wednesdays I eat cherries.
(Wednesdays I eat cherries.)

Thursdays I don't care!
(Thursdays I don't care!)

Naa, naa, na-na-na-naaa (4x)

Verse 2:

I eat fruit
(I eat fruit)
Every single day!

I eat fruit
(I eat fruit)
Every single day!

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays!
(Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays!

Fridays I eat mangoes.
(Fridays I eat mangoes.)

Saturdays some grapes.
(Saturdays some grapes.)

Sundays I eat berries.
(Sundays I eat berries.)

I think that fruits are great!
(I think that fruits are great!)

Naa, naa, na-na-na-naaa (4x)


Apples (apples)
Pears (pears)
Cherries (cherries)
I don't care! (I don't care!)

Mangoes (mangoes)
Grapes (grapes)
Berries (berries)
Fruits are great! (Fruits are great!)

Naa, naa, na-na-na-naaa (4x)

The Singing Walrus creates fun teaching materials, such as kids songs, educational games, nursery rhymes, and kindergarten worksheets (e.g. handwriting worksheets) for parents and teachers. Come and join our community on Facebook, or subscribe to our Youtube Channel!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheSingingWa...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/InfoWalrus
Website: https://thesingingwalrus.com

**All illustration, animation, music, and voice work produced by The Singing Walrus
Youtube Thumbnail Vegetable Song | Songs for kids | The Singing Walrus
Vegetable Song | Songs for kids | The Singing Walrus
by The Singing Walrus - English Songs For Kids
4:18 - 62,135,356 views

Subscribe to our website for $3.99 USD monthly / $39.99 USD yearly! Watch all of our videos ad free, plus weekly printables and more:

The Singing Walrus presets "Vegetable Song" - a lively motown-inspired tune that teaches the names of 9 common vegetables that we eat. Each verse introduces 3 vegetables in a fun call and response form that is easy for kids to follow. In each chorus, everyone sings along to the lines "Vegetables for you! Vegetables for me! Vegetables for you and me!"

Teachers can use this video as a fun supplement for teaching fruits and vegetables in the classroom. Perfect for both native English speakers and young students of ESL/EFL!

Buy the mp3 of this song here:


Here are the lyrics:

(intro 1)
One, two, three!

(verse 1)
Let’s chop some carrots (carrots), na, na, na
Let’s chop some cabbage (cabbage), na, na, na
Let’s chop some broccoli (broccoli), na, na, na
Some vegetables for you and me

Carrot! Cabbage! Broc-co-li!
Carrot! Cabbage! Broc-co-li!
Some vegetables for you and me

And we sing na, na, na
na na na
And we sing na, na, na
na na na
Vegetables for you - you!
Vegetables for me - me!
Vegetables for you and me
(one more time)

(intro 2)
One, two, three!

(verse 2)
Let’s chop potatoes (potatoes), na, na, na
Let’s chop some spinach (spinach), na, na, na
Let’s chop some celery (celery), na, na, na
Some vegetables for you and me

Potato! Spinach! Celery!
Potato! Spinach! Celery!
Vegetables for you and me

And we sing na, na, na

(intro 3)
One, two, three!

(verse 3)
Let’s chop some garlic (garlic), na, na, na
Let’s chop some onions (onions), na, na, na
Let’s chop some leek (leek), na, na, na
Some vegetables for you and me

Garlic! Onion! Leek!
Garlic! Onion! Leek!
Some vegetables for you and me

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