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My Sparta Remixes Quadparison Sixparison
by Adachi cabbage

This set has accumulated 478 points based on views and sharing
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Youtube Thumbnail My Sparta Quadparison 2 (FIXED)
My Sparta Quadparison 2 (FIXED)
by DrMarioFan128
2:22 - 15,607 views

Top Left: Vinyl Scratch from Epic Wub Time has a Sparta Execution Remix (By Aduburyus)
Top right: Thomas from the has The Thomas Series a Sparta Remix! (By Me)
Bottom Left: Ten Clams have a Sparta Enigma Remix (By Jario943 AKA MyLandmasterAlt2)
Bottom Right: 00000090.restored (By Teh24thSpartan)
Youtube Thumbnail Sparta Hyper Mix QuadParison
Sparta Hyper Mix QuadParison
by KaTaMan
2:22 - 36,870 views

Sparta Remix Title : Sparta Remixer : Series Name :
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Top Right - Tu Bats le Roi, T'as la couronne ( by Me ) [ Penguin of Madagascar ]
Top Left - Mad Snail Diseases ( by Xlethmania ) [ Spongebob Squarepants ]
Bottom Right - Still it in to win it ( by TheJario943 ) [ BFDI ]
Bottom Left - That What She Said ( by GringoHisopo1993 ) [ Futurama ]
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Youtube Thumbnail Sparta Quadparison Request #1
Sparta Quadparison Request #1
by metaknight2011
2:20 - 54,262 views

Request from VicTORiousAnything.

NOTE: If you're going to give me a quadparison request, I'm going to need links. Inbox me links. Otherwise, forget it.

I didn't choose these sparta remixes. VicTORiousAnything did.
Youtube Thumbnail Sparta Quadparison Request #2
Sparta Quadparison Request #2
by metaknight2011
2:28 - 6,315 views

Requested by MilesPrower18

NOTE: If you're going to give me a quadparison request, I'm going to need links. Inbox me links. Otherwise, forget it.

This Quadparison has some pretty stupid choices. The remixes chosen for this just make it seem pretty crammed. So I'm not too fond of this one. Fartknocker's and MyLandmaster's are pretty good but the other two....ehhh....they need some work. Justsayin.
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