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All the Pixar logo spoofs
by Runny

This set has accumulated 1,966 points based on views and sharing
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Youtube Thumbnail Top 36 (Part-1) Famous Brands Spoof Pixar Lamp Luxo Jr Logo
Top 36 (Part-1) Famous Brands Spoof Pixar Lamp Luxo Jr Logo
9:23 - 26,578,367 views

*Top 10 Pixar Spoof https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6ehY5d8fJ9fB7_C_LcBzTIbrNVjfQMZW
*Join Memberships https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG9g1WG18SDuXdUG_mpG2Aw/join
*We post a clip at 9:00 am (New York time) on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Through this channel, you will know and learn many famous brands all over the world.
Youtube Thumbnail Twenty One Luxo Lamps Spoof Pixar-Walt Disney-Disney Channel With Time Reverse
Twenty One Luxo Lamps Spoof Pixar-Walt Disney-Disney Channel With Time Reverse
0:43 - 18,690,656 views

#luxospoof - Watch more at my other Channels
Youtube Thumbnail The Write Channel (1978)
The Write Channel (1978)
by EduTvArchive
14:38 - 28,659 views

palabra jot
palabra jot

NOTICE: This YouTube channel is for the purpose of providing the viewing of educational programs that are no longer being shown anywhere else and are posted under the spirit of Fair Use under the Copyright Act and there is no intention whatsoever for any attempt to feature these videos for any monetary gain. This YouTube channel is not created or maintained by any public broadcasting network. If you are the copyright holder to any of these videos, I hope you will allow them to remain here to be seen. It is an important part of broadcast history and they should not be allowed to be lost & forgotten.
Youtube Thumbnail The Write Channel open 1978
The Write Channel open 1978
by robatsea2009
2:59 - 28,532 views

opening minutes to one of the great little educational programs made for kids in the 1970s and 1960s that would run in daytime on PBS. Produced in Mississippi "The Write Channel" was a series of 15 minute long shows featuring the character of R.B. Bug, animated by Ernest Farino.
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