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Isengard Theme X Automatic Crab Process Machine

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Youtube Thumbnail The Lord of the Rings - Isengard Theme
The Lord of the Rings - Isengard Theme
by jediking12
1:34 - 1,879,520 views

ISENGARD/ORC THEME, a theme for Isengard and the Orcs, is often used in conjunction with the Five Beat Pattern, but forming no particular rhythmic relationship with it. (That is, it can be heard starting on any beat of the 5 Beat Pattern).

THE FIVE BEAT PATTERN is a clanking, clamoring motif that represents "the industrial might of Middle-earth." (Howard Shore per Doug Adams, CR-FOTR liner notes, page 20). In the FOTR and TTT, it was assigned to the category of Isengard and the Orcs and can be heard alone to represent Isengard, underlying the Isengard theme, or alone to represent forces of Mordor (other than Isengard). In the ROTK with the dimming of Isengard's power, the Five Beat Pattern was realigned to Mordor.

A Small Compilation of the Isengard Theme

Music used

00:00 - A knife In The Dark
00:35 - Amon Hen
00:56 - The Uruk-hai
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