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Youtube Thumbnail E-an-na - Viu
E-an-na - Viu
by E-an-na
3:09 - 71,947 views

Dreaming and planning are a fundamental part of creating. The trick is realizing when it is time to stop daydreaming and start physically applying an idea, so that the creation is actually being fulfilled. This song is a sort of follow-up for "Înşivă" of our previous EP, "Jiana". It explains what the human being is capable of, and that these awesome powers shouldn't be let to wither away. Acting will actually make you feel "alive".


Când o să pui şi mâna
Să sădeşti ce ţi-ai propus?
Să te lupţi cu viitura
Ce te-nlănţuie cu un surâs.

Ce vrei sa faci?
Ce o să fim?

Hai, hai, hai cât eşti încă viu
Scutură-ţi tălpile-n câmpul pustiu!
Lasă în urmă şi lume, şi faţă!
Joacă în horă – tu eşti creaţia!
Tu eşti creaţia!

O pânză a gândirii am fi
Făr’ de oceane arzând.
Fără ne’nţelegeri
Ochiul atotvăzător.

Am pluti
spre ţeluri mai înalte.
Cerul ar fi o floare
de foc inofensiv.

Pentru o clipă ne-ar fi teamă
De-a rupe eternul cerc
Apoi am înţelege
Treapta pe care păşim

Scoală-te şi pune mâna
hop, hop, ş-aşa
Rupe, taică, ’n două struna
hop, hop, ş-aşa!

Hai, hai, hai cât eşti încă viu
Scutură-ţi tălpile-n câmpul pustiu!
Lasă în urmă şi lume, şi faţă!
Joacă în horă – tu eşti creaţia!

Tu eşti creaţia!

Tu eşti viu.



Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eanna.romania/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eannaromania/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/eannaromania
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/EannaRomania
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/e-an-na
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2hhLQDmEJqObRlCHWbyeQF

BUY our music on Bandcamp: http://e-an-na.bandcamp.com/

SUPPORT us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/eanna

For inquiries or booking email us at: eanna.band@gmail.com


All music and lyrics by E-an-na
Artwork & concept by Badiu Ciprian & Gabriela Gheorghiu
Recorded @ Lowbass Studio & Şivoi HQ
Mixed by Bornuz Vlad
Mastered by Mike Kalajan
Youtube Thumbnail E-an-na - Codru (Official Track)
E-an-na - Codru (Official Track)
by E-an-na
7:41 - 680,178 views

The closing song of the EP has a theme similar to the previous one („Şivoi”), invoking the woe of a dying world that we left behind. While „Şivoi” resolved in the mentions of hope, of the ability to get past the end of this world, „Codru” focuses on the wounds of our old earth, and on it’s final moments of agony. It is a painting of this grief: the surroundings and leftovers of the forests are described, and the mountains howl their pain up into the sky.

This is the fifth and final song of our debut EP, „Jiana”.
Produced by Andrei "Solomonar" Oltean & Ovidiu "Cio" Ban
Mixed and Mastered by Bornuz Vlad @ Blana Recording Studio


Subscribe to our newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/c946d1baf725/doi
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eanna.romania/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/e_an_na/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/eannaromania
VK: https://vk.com/public193402097
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/EannaRomania
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/e-an-na
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2hhLQDmEJqObRlCHWbyeQF

BUY our music on Bandcamp: http://e-an-na.bandcamp.com/

SUPPORT us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/eanna

Booking: booking.eanna@gmail.com


Şuier aspru, prin ce văi
te petreci, subt crengile moi?
Peste rădăcini şi spini,
pe cărări cu mărăcini,
Prin ciulini ascunzi lighioane
născătoare de ghinioane,
Poartă boli în al tău pântec,
împleteşte-n lunci un bocet.

Frunzele cad şi zările se varsă,
Apa e neagră, piscu-i scobit.
Ce deznădejde sădit-a omu’
’n pântecul lumii – cânt adormit.

Eu rag cu inima-nflorită
la mugetul de jale,
descumpănit, în pripă,
născut de-un glas din vale.
Rămâi să pieri!
Rămâi să simţi!
Azi, dezmierdat de soartă,
de veacuri, văzu-ţi, îmbrăcat
cu spini, cărarea-arată-ţi.

Unde calea şerpuieşte,
Uite! Încalecă zarea.
Pasul meu uşor îl ţese...

Uite, văpăi
Peste cer se-ntind.
Uite, văpăi
Peste cer se-ntind.

Unde calea şerpuieşte,
Uite! Încalecă zarea.
Pasul meu uşor se pierde...

Codru, ridică-ţi ascuţitul pinten,
crestele albe, suflul pierit!
Urlă-ţi durerea către înalturi
Spre a-ţi renaşte duhul cernit!

Drums recorded @ Mentor Rock, Râmnicu Vâlcea, resampled @ Blana Recording Studio, Cluj Napoca.
Guitars recroded @ Sinners Studio, Sibiu.
Traditional, acoustic instruments & bass recorded @ Tel’aran’rhiod Studio, Sibiu.
Violin recorded @ Getic Art Studio, Iaşi.
Vocals recorded @ Blana Recording Studio, Cluj Napoca.

Mixed and mastered by Bornuz Vlad @ Blana Studio, Cluj Napoca.

Special thanks to all the people that came in Cluj-Napoca for the guest vocals recording session!

Artwork and logo by Kogaion Art.
Video by Isabella Ienciu.
Released through Art of Night Productions.
Youtube Thumbnail E-an-na - Sârbă Ciobănească (Official Lyric Video)
E-an-na - Sârbă Ciobănească (Official Lyric Video)
by E-an-na
3:09 - 373,669 views

This is our third single, called ''Sârbă Ciobănească''. It is a song about the boy of a shepherd,who, unwilling to do the chores of shepherds anymore, chooses to flee into the mountains and live his life in communion with nature, having only his whistle to express himself. Although archaic, the song is a metaphor for the fact that modern man is born into a world with no options left but to conform and do the duties mankind expects one to do, not the ones he truly loves.
The original song is a traditional romanian folklore tune.
As always, thanks Kogaion Art & Codrin (model)for the artwork!
Mix & master by Bornuz Vlad (For the Wicked)

If you like this song, you can buy it here: https://e-an-na.bandcamp.com/track/s-rb-ciob-neasc


Subscribe to our newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/c946d1baf725/doi
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eanna.romania/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/e_an_na/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/eannaromania
VK: https://vk.com/public193402097
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/EannaRomania
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/e-an-na
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2hhLQDmEJqObRlCHWbyeQF

BUY our music on Bandcamp: http://e-an-na.bandcamp.com/

SUPPORT us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/eanna

Booking: booking.eanna@gmail.com
Youtube Thumbnail E-an-na - Epitaf (Official Music Video)
E-an-na - Epitaf (Official Music Video)
by E-an-na
5:10 - 101,443 views

"Epitaf" speaks to us about the lack of respect that we show towards mother Earth, the one that keeps us alive, and to which, in exchange, we only cause suffering.
In spite of this revelation, the song doesn't have to be an actual Epitaph. It rather urges to a collective act of gaining awareness of the situation, and to change this situation through small, but meaningful acts.


"Epitaf" ne vorbeşte despre lipsa de respect pe care o arătăm faţă de Pământul de sub picioarele noastre, cel care ne ţine în viaţă, şi căruia, în schimb, îi pricinuim numai suferinţă. În ciuda revelaţiei, piesa nu trebuie să fie, în mod obligatoriu, un veritabil epitaf. Ea îndeamnă la o conştientizare colectivă a situaţiei, şi la schimbarea ei prin gesturi mărunte, dar semnificative.

Song recorded @ Vlad Bornuz, Blană Records Studio.
Video shot by by Allyas Dweller (Răzvan Lupaşcu), Andrei Cth, Alex Teutişan at Celtic Transilvania Festival & Magura Wave.
Video edited by Allyas Dweller (Răzvan Lupaşcu).
Mixed by Bornuz Vlad.
Mastered by Mike Kalajian.
Artwork by Tiron Costin.

Buy this song: https://e-an-na.bandcamp.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eannaromania/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eanna.romania/

Pas după pas
ţărâna de sub noi mucegăieşte
suntem o boală incurabilă
a unei mame gravide
dezbrăcată şi învineţită
contorsionată pe un pat de paie umede
într-o încăpere întunecată
bătută şi murmurând:

„Frunză verde, nu!
cârpă jegoasă în locu-i;
din limpede pârâu
aţi creat un şanţ
de deversare a propriilor vise,
furtuni de nepăsare
păşesc cu chip de om”.

Ar fi trebuit să avem grijă
de ea cu entuziasm
şi adoraţie, ca de-un pui
de dragon;
ca de-o corabie
cu greu dobândită;
ca de un fluier
– singurul pod către
insula pe care
te adăposteşti
de cei care te vor aidoma lor.

Noi doi,
tu şi cu mine
privim spre cerul nopţii
să-i răpim privirii tăişul
înfipt în pieptul ei
de mâna noastră.

„Frunză verde, nu!
cârpă jegoasă în locu-i;
furtuni de nepăsare
păşesc cu chip de om”

Noi doi,
tu şi cu mine
privim spre cerul nopţii
să-i răpim privirii tăişul
înfipt în pieptul ei
de mâna noastră.

Mergem cu ochii deschişi spre propriul sfârşit
să fie permanent răul instaurat?
Cu fiecare clipă îl consolidăm;
fiecare gest al nostru
e un cuvânt urât caligrafiat în epitaf.
Youtube Thumbnail E-an-na - Jiana (Official Lyric Video)
E-an-na - Jiana (Official Lyric Video)
by E-an-na
6:23 - 293,312 views

E-an-na is a folk metal band from Sibiu/Timişoara, Romania. This is ''Jiana'', our debut single, mixed & mastered by Marius Costache (who also worked with Goran Bregović, White Walls, Coma, Lake Of Tears, Amenra etc.) at Studio 148. Special thanks to Isa Ienciu for the lyric video.

The world in which mankind was born is falling appart with stunning precision. Not only physically, but also on the spiritual level. The air that we breathe is no longer air, the soil on which we step is no longer soil, the words that we speak are no longer words. The toxic breeze embraces the entirety of this universe, a universe with no dens left for souls to hide in. Humankind bows to pieces of paper or plastic, without which life cannot mannifest itself anymore. Surrounded by so many wrongs moral and life values, raised to undeserved ranks. We chose as such: if this world is not enough for us, then we shall find a new one. This is how E-an-na has been born. Or, at least, this is how we unveiled it. E-an-na is a realm of ours, towards which we left, foreseeing the ending in this world. A realm where breath is still green. In which birds sing tirelessly and rivers don't have unnatural colours. A home of the sky.

Jiana is an ancestral dance from the area surrounding Sibiu, our hometown. We've adapted it, so now it also fits the needs of the dead, not only those of the living. Therefore, the lyrics say ''Our dead man dances''. The dead man represents each of us at a certain moment, a moment of transmigration into the realms beyond. It is in powerful moments as such when the spiritual journey can be altered, so that spirit and body can join once again and enter E-an-na.

Andrei ''Solomonar'' Oltean - vocals, whistles & recorders, accordion, bagpipes
Ovidiu Ban - guitar
Alex Giurgeca - guitar
Dragoş Berţia - bass guitar

Mihai Oltean - gang vocal guest


Subscribe to our newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/c3272a7971dd/viu

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eanna.romania/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/e_an_na/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/eannaromania
VK: https://vk.com/public193402097
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/EannaRomania
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/e-an-na
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2hhLQDmEJqObRlCHWbyeQF

BUY our music on Bandcamp: http://e-an-na.bandcamp.com/

SUPPORT us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/eanna

Booking: booking.eanna@gmail.com

Mix & Master by Marius Costache @ Studio 148: https://www.facebook.com/148studio?fr...
Youtube Thumbnail E-an-na - Înșivă (Official Music Video)
E-an-na - Înșivă (Official Music Video)
by E-an-na
6:37 - 86,048 views

The first song of "Jiana" revolves around the fact that man is his own and only god. It is a sort of prayer towards whatever divinity dwells above humankind, a prayer that obviously failed, considering what our first world has come to, considering how little man is able to do by his own. The only thing that remains is to access ourselves the divinity, the „giant of light” from the very depths of one’s being. The access happens either smoothly or violently, having the power to shape the world itself. With enough willpower, we can achieve anything and everything.

Lyrics :

Închis în vis
de albă mărginire
ce se-nvârte-n jurul
capului divin
e corpul neted
al zeului ce-atinge
pământul şi-l împinge
către-o nouă formă.

Oi, hăi, crunt uriaş de lumină pleacă
La-ale noastre rugi urechea
Primeneşte aerul în care
Ne târâm amar existenţa.
Oi, hăi, sângele curge pe cuţite
în ofrandă devotată
spală-n mare nedreptatea
ce ne-mpiedică din viaţă.

Cerul e roată de foc!
Fulgere te prind în joc!
Cerul e roată de foc!
Desprins de tot!

Din cer: noi - zei
din piept : duh - ei
Din cer: noi - zei
din piept : duh - ei

Matca trebuie schimbată
Se schimbă matca!

Oi, hăi, crunt uriaş de lumină pleacă
La-ale noastre rugi urechea
Primeneşte aerul în care
Ne târâm amar existenţa.
Oi, hăi, sângele curge pe cuţite
în ofrandă devotată
spală-n mare nedreptatea
ce ne-mpiedică din viaţă.

Stai! aţinteşte-ţi calea
Pe-ale mele mâini sfrijite!
Dă-le harul zămislirii,
om al pânzelor celeste!
Măi! fată despuiată
ce-ngrijeşti o lume-ntreagă
dă-mi din sânul tău ardoarea
de-a închide, mândru, cercul!

Ard! Cad în iad!
Desprind forma
Sub chip de brad
Transform lumea.

Schimbarea sunteţi voi Înşivă!

Filmed & Edited by BlueCat Studio.
Not all footage belongs to us

Audio from our debut EP "Jiana" available here:

Produced by Andrei Oltean & Ovidiu Ban
Mixed & Mastered by Bornuz Vlad @ Blana Recording Studio

Follow E-an-na here:


Vote the video for Metalhead Awards here:
Youtube Thumbnail E-an-na - Tinca Popii (Official Video)
E-an-na - Tinca Popii (Official Video)
by E-an-na
3:51 - 287,769 views

Tinca Popii is our second single. This instrumental song is a rendition of a romanian traditional folklore tune. We kept it's original name, and tried to adapt it to what we feel it represents. ''Tinca'' is to be translated as a reference to young girls (often daughters, but not necessarily). Our concept is that this feminine entity represents nature itself and all the beauty surrounding us, not giving up yet to the claws of mankind and it's wretched way of stealing the beauty of the world. It's a song about the joy of being alive and enjoying the miracle of life itself in all it's forms.
As always, countless thanks go to Isa Ienciu, in charge with the video production, to Kogaion Art for providing the photos and to Ionuţ Cristi Bugnar, from the Sibiu Philharmonic Orchestra, as a guest musician in charge of the violin parts.

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/eanna.romania/?fref=ts
Bandcamp: https://e-an-na.bandcamp.com/releases
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EannaRomania
Logo by Kogaion Art: https://www.facebook.com/kogaionartstudio?fref=ts
Mix & Master by Marius Costache @ Studio 148: https://www.facebook.com/148studio?fref=ts
Youtube Thumbnail E-an-na - Cei Căzuţi (Official Lyric Video)
E-an-na - Cei Căzuţi (Official Lyric Video)
by E-an-na
6:03 - 109,709 views

This is ’’Cei Căzuţi’’, our fourth and last single before we release the EP. It is a cathartic song about our world that has failed to be what it should have been, and about the migration in our new world, E-an-na. Only pure hearted people are allowed to enter E-an-na, for the purpose of this new world is to have no imperfections, as our current one has.

Guest musicians:
Aura Badiu – female vocals
Diana Pascutiu (Within the Nova) – female vocals
Raluca „Striga” Damian - Panflute
Vlad Bornuz – gang vocals (For the Wicked)
Cristian Buhăţel – gang vocals (For the Wicked)

Artwork, logo: Moga Alexandru (Kogaion Art)

Video: Isa Ienciu

Mixing & Mastering: Vlad Bornuz – gang vocals (For the Wicked)

We would like to express our gratitude towards those people, without them it wouldn’t have been possible.

Find us on:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsLoz9t380ewPWxIVC96DyQ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eanna.romania/
Bandcamp: https://e-an-na.bandcamp.com/
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