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PBS P-HEAD BLOOPERS 1970's & 1980's

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Youtube Thumbnail PBS Gets His Revenge
PBS Gets His Revenge
by gman1290
3:18 - 784,334 views

*UPDATE* The writing below was originally from the retirement that was taken between June 2012 and September 2013. This was at the time the last video made before the leave. There is no longer a final video as of September 2013.

Original posting

Ladies and gentlemen, the time has now come for the final video for this gman1290 page. The theme of this video, the good PBS is once again attacked by the evil PBS. It's the same move as nearly 5 years ago, except this time, evil PBS takes it one step further.

This is the 5 year anniversary of logo animations on YouTube, and again the last video. Like I've said before, I will still be active on YouTube, just no uploads. The channel will still be available throughout to continue to watch the nearly 300 videos uploaded over the last 5 years. I'm going out with a story that I started years ago with PBS as I believe it's very fitting. Thanks to everyone who have been in full support of these videos over the last 5 years. I am deeply honored. I hope to return one day (whether it's YouTube again or another video site) and provide bigger and better animations than ever before! Until then, the focus now is maintaining the GC Entertainment website (www.gc-entertainment.net)

In honor of this legacy of gman1290, I have provided a memoir explaining how all this started and what has happened during this era of logo animations. It should answer a lot of questions that many have been wondering for some time now. Here's the story behind it. To download and read the story, go to the GC link: (www.gc-entertainment.net/gman1290.html) and read the description on there.

Thanks again from GC Entertainment.
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Youtube Thumbnail Reading Rainbow Funding Credits From 1987 With PBS Split ID (RARE!!!)
Reading Rainbow Funding Credits From 1987 With PBS Split ID (RARE!!!)
by V Glendinning
1:36 - 30,521 views

Made This Myself. NOTE: PBS Gets His Revenge Against Evil PBS.
Youtube Thumbnail Reading Rainbow Funding Credits From 1992 With PBS P-Head ID (RARE!!!)
Reading Rainbow Funding Credits From 1992 With PBS P-Head ID (RARE!!!)
by V Glendinning
1:30 - 52,569 views

Made This Myself. This Is Where PBS Gets His Revenge Against Evil PBS.
Youtube Thumbnail PBS 1971 Logo Outtakes Part 1
PBS 1971 Logo Outtakes Part 1
by TheSuperdog19
1:22 - 349,754 views

Sorry for the lateness! It's 10:00 at night. I've got to stop putting these things off. Anyway, this logo feature the mistakes that were made during the 1971 PBS logo.

This is a parody. TheSuperdog19 does not own the logos in this video.
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