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Timon and Pumbaa Rewind Quadparison 2
by Ghibli Fan

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Youtube Thumbnail Timon & Pumbaa rewind The Lion King 1½
Timon & Pumbaa rewind The Lion King 1½
by Martin Liu
1:26 - 215,749 views

Timon: {narrating as the camera continues to truck out, ending with the silhouettes and the theater seats} Well, that's it. The big wrap-up, the happy ending, the grand finale.
Pumbaa: {whimpering} It's over already?
Timon: Well, Pumbaa. That's the thing about endings. They come at the end.
Pumbaa: {brightening} Ooh, can we watch it again?
Timon: Pumbaa, we just saw it. Maybe tomorrow.
Ma: {entering in silhouette} Hey, what are you guys doing? {gasps as she sees the screen} You didn't tell me you were watching the movie! I wanna watch too!
Timon: Ma, we just finished. Show's over.
Ma: Well, you're just gonna have to rewind it! {She grabs Pumbaa's big remote and begins rewinding.}
Timon: {pained} Ma!
Ma: {calling offscreen} Uncle Max! We're gonna watch the movie!
Timon: {despairing} Oh, no!
Uncle Max: {entering, carrying a box of popcorn} Hey, I brought extra butter.
Simba: {entering, walking along the seatbacks} Hey, you guys are watching the movie?
Rafiki: {swinging in on vines} Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo! Any story worth telling is worth telling twice.
{The silhouette of Mickey Mouse walks in and sits down.} Timon: What the... {Snow White comes in, followed by the Dwarfs.} Snow White: Oh, excuse me...
Happy: 'Scuse me.
Sneezy: 'Scuse me.
Doc: 'Scuse me.
Sleepy: 'Scuse me.
Bashful: 'Scuse me.
Grumpy: Get outta the way.
Timon: Who is this crowd?
{The Genie flies in and sits down in the middle.} Timon: Hey, down in front! {In another row, Goofy, the Mad Hatter, the March Hare from Alice in Wonderland, and Donald Duck are sitting; Stitch from Lilo and Stitch crawls down the wall and jumps from head to head until he gets to a vacant seat. Stitch: Oho!
Goofy: Gawrsh!
Stitch: Aloha!
Donald Duck: {unintelligible squawking; he makes fists at Stitch}
{In still another row, Quasimodo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Pocahontas sit at opposite ends of the row; Peter Pan flies in, followed by Tinker Bell, and imitates a rooster's crow. The Lost Boys all pile in, shouting. Switch to Timon's row, where he's holding two large bodies apart to keep them from squashing him.} Timon: Watch it! {straining} Unnnh! {Terk and Victor the gargoyle squeeze together, and Timon squirts out from between them like a watermelon seed. He lands next to Pumbaa as the movie, still rewinding, nears the beginning.} Timon: {resigned} Okay, buddy. You win.
Pumbaa: Sure you don't mind?
Timon: {sincere} Hakuna Matata.
Somebody: Shh.
Somebody: Sorry.
Pumbaa: Uh. Timon... {the screen goes black} I still don't do so well in crowds.
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