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Bfdi auditions, but’s it’s with 7 other reanimations
by dylandoss

This set has accumulated 2,530 points based on views and sharing
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Youtube Thumbnail BFDI FAN ANIMATION - Recommended Character Auditions (Remake)
BFDI FAN ANIMATION - Recommended Character Auditions (Remake)
by XanyLeaves
1:06 - 734,939 views

Was watching some old BFDI episodes and got to this part of episode 17, heard the date at the end and was like 'wow this is perfect' so here it is! This is mostly for the people that are subbed to me for object stuff, for those of you who aren't, JAR animated, Game Grumps animated and Oney Plays animated are all in the works.

Animated in Flash CS6 using assets created by Michael and Cary Huang
Youtube Thumbnail BFDI auditions but i edited it
BFDI auditions but i edited it
by ZGUExtras!
1:06 - 637,862 views

credit to everyone
credit to jacknjellify for the flash file.

dont overuse this as a sparta remix source. you can still use it
credit to everyone for every asset and image and stuff.
credit to jacob sparker for the laptop
and i guess mialex
Youtube Thumbnail My BFDI Auditions Edited thingy
My BFDI Auditions Edited thingy
by Loskythecopydog77
1:11 - 679,871 views

credit to jacknjellfy cause this is his flash file. i just basely edit it with random other characters.
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Thank You so much for watching this shitpost video
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Youtube Thumbnail BFDI Recommended Characters but in my own style
BFDI Recommended Characters but in my own style
by RyanTheInkling
1:00 - 623,845 views

Same video, but with updates. (EDIT: Comments have been disabled because of people voting for objects in this video, even though I do not have a object show planned. Also, it is disabled because SOMEbody decided to spam the comments. So yeah.)
Youtube Thumbnail (My Most Popular Video) Bfdi Recommended Character Audtions. But Its With BFB Bodies
(My Most Popular Video) Bfdi Recommended Character Audtions. But Its With BFB Bodies
by Gaming Grapes!
1:02 - 215,128 views

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