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Youtube Thumbnail EVERYBODY DO THE FLOP (asdfmovie song)
EVERYBODY DO THE FLOP (asdfmovie song)
by TomSka
2:30 - 108,050,096 views

Muffin Time: the asdfmovie card game! Out now! http://MuffinTimeGame.com
Please don't break your face!
Get the shirt (https://tomskashop.com/) Download the song (http://bit.ly/dotheflopitunes)
Animated by Ben 'Wonchop' Smallman (http://youtube.com/wonchopanimation)
Music by Todd 'LilDeuceDeuce' Bryanton (http://youtube.com/lildeucedeuce)
Written and Directed by Thomas Ridgewell (http://youtube.com/tomska)

The story behind the asdfmovie songs: http://tmblr.co/Z1mnQw14d6Chj


Everybody do the flop!

The do the flop guy liked to dance all the time
But he couldn't do it right no matter how hard he tried
He had two left feet from an accident at birth
And every time he danced he always flopped face first
But then one day as he jumped in the air
Everybody turned and looked and they pointed and they stared
He had a bright idea right before he hit the floor
He shouted "everybody do the flop": a new dance craze was born

Do do do the flop
Do do do the flop
Everybody do the flop x2

The do the flop guy was a viral sensation
Everybody did the flop all across the whole nation
He was front page news, with his new dance move
Everyone wanted to be in his new dance crew
But then one day, things started going wrong
When a flop concert was interrupted by a bomb (hello!)
He said please stop, but no matter what he tried
There was no stopping now for the do the flop guy


The do the flop guy had to start a new trend
Cuz the flop might the whole cause the whole world to end
He had stop people from flopping on their faces
He tried to invent a new dance sensation

Everybody do the don't fall down
Everybody do the stay in place
Everybody do the standing up
Everybody don't do the flop

Everybody do the don't fall down
[Keep your feet on the ground]
Everybody do the stay in place
[Please don't break your face]
Everybody do the standing up
[Don't even put your hands up]
Everybody don't do the flop

The do the flop guy couldn't make them all stop
They didn't like the new moves as much as the flop
They tuned him out, and they all turned their backs
Yeah they left him behind.102 and they called him a hack
The do the flop guy had nothing left to prove
There was only one thing that he knew how to do
It was in his blood, call it destiny or fate
He shouted "everybody do the flop" and the earth began to shake

(Chorus x2)

TomSka Shirts (https://tomskashop.com/)
Twitter (http://twitter.com/thetomska)
Facebook (http://fb.com/thetomska)
Tumblr (http://thetomska.tumblr.com)
Secondary Channel (http://youtube.com/darksquidge)
Youtube Thumbnail Beep Beep I'm a Sheep (feat. TomSka & BlackGryph0n) | asdfmovie10 song | LilDeuceDeuce
Beep Beep I'm a Sheep (feat. TomSka & BlackGryph0n) | asdfmovie10 song | LilDeuceDeuce
by LilDeuceDeuce
2:18 - 48,943,760 views

Beep beep, ima sheep, I said beep beep I'm a sheep!
♫ iTunes http://bit.ly/beepsheep ♫ Bandcamp http://bit.ly/beshebc
Subscribe for more music ► http://bit.ly/lildeucesub

Animation by Ben "Wonchop" Smallman: http://youtube.com/wonchopanimation
Lead vocals by Gabriel "Black Gryph0n" Brown: http://youtube.com/blackgryph0n
Vocals by Thomas "TomSka" Ridgewell: http://youtube.com/tomska
Music, vocals and additional visuals by Todd "LilDeuceDeuce" Bryanton

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lildeucedeuce
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lildeucedeucemusic
Website: http://www.lildeucedeuce.com
T-shirts: http://lildeucedeuce.spreadshirt.com/
Youtube Thumbnail I LIKE TRAINS (asdfmovie song)
I LIKE TRAINS (asdfmovie song)
by TomSka
2:10 - 59,697,859 views

Muffin Time: the asdfmovie card game! Out now! http://MuffinTimeGame.com
Wear the t-shirt! http://sharkrobot.com/asdfmovie
Get the song on iTunes (http://bit.ly/TrAiNs1) or Amazon (http://amzn.to/TRainS)
Animated by Joshua 'Zeurel' Palmer (http://youtube.com/zeurel)
Music by Todd 'LilDeuceDeuce' Bryanton (http://youtube.com/lildeucedeuce)
Directed by Thomas Ridgewell (http://youtube.com/tomska)



Hey! Have you heard of the I Like Trains kid?
He's pretty cool, but I think there's something wrong with him
I don't know if he's cursed, or if it's something with his brain
But the only thing he ever says is:


From birth the I Like Trains kid never spoke a word
Not even to his parents, not a single sounds was heard
But on the first day of school the teacher asked his name
All he did was smile as he said:


They put him on some Ritalin to see if that would help
The doctor found the perfect dose and asked him how he felt
He stared at the doctor with that same creepy smile
And the I Like Trains kid said:

"I feel great!"

He got a fancy job and he straightened out his life
He met a nice girl who he asked to be his wife
As they stood at the altar, and prepared to say their vows
He put a ring on her finger, and he said:


Got bad grades? I like trains!
Awkward date? I like trains!
Don't like trains? ...

I LIKE TRAINS (double chorus)

TomSka Shirts (https://tomskashop.com/)
Twitter (http://twitter.com/thetomska)
Facebook (http://fb.com/thetomska)
Tumblr (http://thetomska.tumblr.com)
Secondary Channel (http://youtube.com/darksquidge)
Youtube Thumbnail THE MUFFIN SONG (asdfmovie feat. Schmoyoho)
THE MUFFIN SONG (asdfmovie feat. Schmoyoho)
by TomSka
3:21 - 247,593,506 views

Muffin Time: the asdfmovie card game! Out now! http://MuffinTimeGame.com
It's muffin time! Download the song (https://apple.co/2wtrCXM)
Wear a muffin today! (http://bit.ly/MuffinShirt)
Music by The Gregory Brothers aka Schmoyoho (http://youtube.com/schmoyoho)
Animated by Ben 'Wonchop' Smallman (http://youtube.com/wonchopanimation)
Written and Directed by Thomas Ridgewell (http://youtube.com/tomska)
Featuring the voice of Sam Lavagnino as Mr Muffin (http://youtube.com/channel/UCRtQBUlgURoLRLwT3-c79vw)


Haaaaa, I’m a muffin
And it’s muffin time
Who wants a muffin?
Please, I just wanna die

Hey, somebody kill me
Please, it’s muffin time
Have you had a muffin today?
I wanna die, die die

Please I wanna
Die, die, die
Die, die, die
It’s muffin time
cuz I wanna die, die, die—please, I wanna
Die, die, die
Die, die, die
It’s muffin time
cuz I wanna die, die, die

Die, potato, die
I baked you a pie
Oh boy, what flavour?
Pie, pie, pie

Dad, I’m hungry
Hi, hungry, I’m dad
Why did you name me this way?
Why, why, why?

I’m gonna do an internet
Well, I’m gonna do a book
You’re leavin’ me—I met a real man
Hey buddy, look

Over here
Ha ha ha ha ha, now you’re blind
You’re gonna die
We’re all gonna die
Ooh, a butterfly
We’re all gonna


Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee
Got your nose
Look out he’s got a nose!
Is this you? (yes) Hello! (Hi!)

Here comes the airplane
I like trains
Honey I’m pregnant…
I can explain

NO, don’t jump
Okay, jump now
I have no idea how to breathe
Meow, meow, meow, I’m a cow

Hey, you got a license for that?
You’ll never take me alive!
Ha ha! They said I could never teach a llama to drive! Mmyahhhhhh


Even though letting go feels right
I can’t afford to say goodbye
You and I are bound together
Especially since cartoons live forever


TomSka Shirts (http://tomskashop.com)
Twitter (http://twitter.com/thetomska)
Facebook (http://fb.com/thetomska)
Tumblr (http://thetomska.tumblr.com)
Secondary Channel (http://youtube.com/darksquidge)
Youtube Thumbnail title
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Youtube Thumbnail MINE TURTLE (asdfmovie song)
MINE TURTLE (asdfmovie song)
by TomSka
2:01 - 48,988,549 views

Youtube Thumbnail title
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Youtube Thumbnail It's Muffin Time! (Song with samples from asdfmovie8) - Roomie
It's Muffin Time! (Song with samples from asdfmovie8) - Roomie
by RoomieOfficial
1:40 - 38,121,292 views

- Check out asdfmovie8: http://bit.ly/asdfmovie8yay
- Free song download: http://roomieofficial.com/downloads/Roomie_-_Its_Muffin_Time.mp3
- Subscribe to Roomie (It's free): http://bit.ly/RoomieArmy
- Roomie Music Videos Playlist: http://www.roomieofficial.com/MusicVideos
- Roomie iOS app: http://roomieofficial.com/app
- Spotify: http://www.roomieofficial.com/spotify
- iTunes: http://www.roomieofficial.com/iTunes

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↪ #RoomieArmy member list (Get updates, win a skype call from Roomie and more!): http://bit.ly/RoomieArmyRegister
↪ Amazon MP3 I http://bit.ly/RoomieAmazon
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Thanks so much for liking and adding to your favorites, #RoomieArmy :)
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