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Playboi Carti Magnolia Flakka Mash

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Youtube Thumbnail Drugged And Dancing With A Canadian Police Officer
Drugged And Dancing With A Canadian Police Officer
by Nik Galego
2:51 - 3,143,539 views

900 block of Pandora Avenue in Victoria BC Canada

How to conduct community policing...
Remember, this is a person who is somebody's son, husband, nephew, grandson or brother in #Victoriabc. I can't say for sure 100% what this dude is tripping on, but I can tell you that it's a pretty regular thing here. Why did I post this video you might ask? I first posted it because I was amazed at how the Victoria police officer dealt with him. He was patient, didn't pull out a taser or weapon. He most likely didn't want him walking into traffic and getting hit by a vehicle so instead of ordering him around and turning this encounter in to a hostile one he decided to talk to him instead. Some of you watching this might hate cops and everything they're about and I totally understand that feeling. But if you think about what would happen if there was complete lawlessness and disorder in your country/state/city/town you would most likely end up with your decapitated head on a stick on the outskirts of town for smoking a joint on your porch.

After this video was up for a few months I found that people watching it would make comments like "I'm glad I never did drugs" or "Why would anyone want to feel like that?". I think this video shows you how a police officer can be a human and deal with another human in a respectful way. It also illustrates what may or may not happen to you if you decide to buy something off of someone on the street and then ingest it hoping for a really awesome high. It's not always awesome. If this video upsets you, then good, you should be upset. If you have kids, take care of your kids and teach them to reach higher than a chemical high. I'm not gonna preach to you because I'm not perfect either and have made a lot of mistakes in life as well. It is what is and this is real life in your community no matter where you live. Opioids are easy to get and will probably never go away because people have always wanted some sort of high from something throughout the thousands of years we've been around.
Running Number Of Diagnoses By Our Internet Doctors Watching This Video:
1156 #Flakka Flokka
903 #K2
859 #Sad
681 #Spice
620 #Dancing
478 #Meth/Methamphetamine
325 #Bath Salts
251 #Crip Walk
199 #Pee Dance
128 #Hillary Clinton Supporter
125 #Alcohol
119 #Donald Trump
105 #Demon Possession
104 #Gotta Poop
85 #Michael Jackson's "Thriller"
84 #New Drake Dance
78 #WakaFlocka Flame
42 #Marijuana
32 #PCP
30 #GHB
25 #MDMA
21 #Heroin
19 #Ketamine
13 #Justin Beiber
12 #Ice
5 #Crank

Crystal Meth (methylamphetamine) also known as Ice, Ice Drug, Tina, or Glass is one harsh drug that can ravage your physical appearance such as rotting teeth and causes damage to the brain and internal organs.
News out of Florida, Europe, South Africa and elswhere has a lot mentions of Flakka and it seems to be a growing problem:
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