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Youtube Thumbnail Thomas Train Stunts
Thomas Train Stunts
by 5MadMovieMakers
1:49 - 12,864,632 views

Thomas the Tank Engine goes pro skater and pulls off some sick jumps with his train friends. Filmed with an iPhone SE at 120 frames per second.

Music "EINAG" by Mewnlight Rose https://soundcloud.com/mewnlight-rose/msndrstd

Marble Runs: https://youtu.be/IPMvlHVNR7g?list=PL602556C428E88B6D
Lego Roller Coasters: https://youtu.be/cDkfYYX_ORg?list=PL7E53D939DC0CB341
Knex Roller Coasters: https://youtu.be/eiZf32G4A3c?list=PLD3F47DEACC71D322
Stop Motion Animations: https://youtu.be/gLnDkw1Z1YI?list=PLD5_2v4-fG-1R6Sw2T6C-8y0v-qpzBJo0
Hot Wheels: https://youtu.be/GVKhyoQeOu8?list=PLD5_2v4-fG-0OwscxbJQ8-n9HF7BM-ntR

Website: http://5madmoviemakers.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/5madmoviemakers
Twitter: http://twitter.com/5madmoviemakers
Our Channel: http://youtube.com/5madmoviemakers

Any "Thomas and the Magic Railroad" fans out there?

2017 - 5 Mad Movie Makers
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