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Dumb Movie Ways To Die in G Major 7
by Niko Barnjak KUMAR

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Dumb Movie Ways to Die - Dumb Ways to Die Parody
by The Movie Maniacs
3:05 - 33,452,045 views

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Movie Maniacs present 'Dumb Movie Ways to Die'
Animated & Directed by Simon Jago & Ryan Casey
Performed by Rhonda Pownall

All the title of the films parodied feature in the animation incase you can't remember the deaths.

Official Site: http://www.TheMovieManiacs.com
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Get eaten by a giant shark
Try opening the Covenant Ark
Kill the baby of the Bride
Find Doctor Strangelove's nuclear bomb to ride

Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die

Play around with an alien snake
Steal ecstasy in Layer Cake
Play puzzlebox with a Cenobite
Pay no attention to the traffic light

Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die

Try and threaten a Spartan King
Watch the video of the Ring
Go to the loo in Jurassic Park
Hold hostage to Mr Tony Stark

Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die

Jump in lava from a subway train
Get crushed by a large window pane
Shot by your dad in a deadly mist
To the Mobile Infantry enlist

Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die

Get set alight and fall from Minas Tirith
Be a Jedi Knight in Revenge of the Sith
Argue with Dr Manhattan
Get some water thrown in your face
Try kill Ryan Gosling in an elevator
They may not rhyme but they're quite possible the

Dumbest ways to die
Dumbest ways to die
Dumbest ways to die
So many dumb
So many dumb ways to die
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