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Object Terror Styled Intros Comparison
by MixelsFTWBarneySucks The Numberblocks Lo

This set has accumulated 2,407 points based on views and sharing
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Youtube Thumbnail Object Terror | Opening 2 [Episodes 3 - 5]
Object Terror | Opening 2 [Episodes 3 - 5]
by ShallotHare
0:30 - 333,848 views

I've once again made a new intro, and this will be used for episodes 3 and on. This took the entire day to make, but I really like how it ended out. Also, you may be asking who that yellow tub of lard is right there? Well, that's Honey. The new intern for Printer you guys will see in episodes 3 and on!

Song Used: Cartoon - Why We Lose


Subscribe to me: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9VonkvLPVyGbcfnCnRynGQ

Watch me on DeviantArt: http://lbn-object-terror.deviantart.com/

The Official Object Terror Website: http://objectterror.webs.com/

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/object_terror

Follow me on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/legoboynj-objectterror

Join my Discord Server: https://discord.gg/WrJb4

Follow me on NewGrounds: http://legoboynjanimations.newgrounds.com/


© 2016 Legoboynj Animations™
Youtube Thumbnail Insane Fury Intro Object Terror Style
Insane Fury Intro Object Terror Style
by Blundue
0:28 - 236,427 views

reasons why we lose
Youtube Thumbnail Object Invasion Intro - Object Terror Styled
Object Invasion Intro - Object Terror Styled
by FusionAnimations
0:30 - 248,872 views

Object Terror belongs to Legoboynj Animations.
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9VonkvLPVyGbcfnCnRynGQ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FusionAnimation
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fusionanimations/
Deviantart: https://fusionanimations117.deviantart.com/
Youtube Thumbnail FFPC Intro OT Style (this intro will be used in shorts)
FFPC Intro OT Style (this intro will be used in shorts)
by Kommander Kim
0:30 - 76,103 views

I was bored (again ...) and i made this

Also i showed this to lego and he said that it wasn't bad xdd

(EDIT 9/7/2017) how tf this video get 10.000 views
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