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Sonic oddshows 1 2 3 HD K
by Fadhil Cool

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Youtube Thumbnail Sonic Oddshow
Sonic Oddshow
by DoujinPixation
8:42 - 9,341,652 views

Hi, Shadic15 here. Hold on to your butts, it'll be a crazy show.

Ladies and gens, I present to you Sonic Oddshow, probably my favourite animation, well... sprite animation that is. I completed this back in 2011 and it became quite a hit (relatively spoken) on newgrounds. It's based on my original Sonic Pannenshow, a german Sonic sprite animation (not flash) that I made years ago. Anyway, enjoy and stay tuned for part 2.
Youtube Thumbnail Sonic Oddshow 2
Sonic Oddshow 2
by DoujinPixation
11:11 - 5,440,030 views

Hi Shadic15 here, this is getting out of hands ...!

First of May, it seems like the best time to release this piece of craziness. The second instalment of Sonic Oddshow. The skits are crazier, the jokes are cheesier, and the amount of bones broken is uncountable. Hope you like this show, and there is going to be a third one, but it will take much more time than this one unfortunately.

Enjoy =)
Youtube Thumbnail Sonic Oddshow 3
Sonic Oddshow 3
by DoujinPixation
10:41 - 7,465,288 views

Hi Shadic15 here! Third time's a charm.

Here it is Sonic Oddshow 3. Now before I get into detail why I uploaded this one so early and why's there's only 13 skits, let me give you details about this installment :)

It's rather short compared to number 2, 13 skits. I made some classic jokes, but also tried something different like the Eggyssey skit, and also Hyperbolic Havoc which is definitively inspired by SMBZ. But the significant change here is : Real High Definition 1080p and widescreen ! :D Other than that it's quite the same.... Mario torture porn included !

IMPORTANT : I decided to split Sonic Oddshow 3 in two parts, this one being the first installment. The second one : Sonic Oddshow K, will be released much later (next year). I am pretty doing what Sega did with Sonic The Hedgehog 3. Why am I doing this? Two reasons : 1. people are asking all the time when is SO3 coming out, I want to calm them ^^' and 2. school starts very soon which would add a tremendous delay to this project.

Anyway, enjoy this installment, it certainly has something going for. :)
Youtube Thumbnail The Sonic Oddshow Collab
The Sonic Oddshow Collab
by DoujinPixation
29:45 - 8,861,954 views

This freaking Oddshow Collab was brought to by :

AbomiYeti https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRXMNm0O6KaAtHhiLBA-B_w
AJ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC02z7uOe_EwCyvzdllvuewg
AsuharaMoon https://www.youtube.com/user/DickTheEternalFox
Awesome Animator https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7txmKLW7oIBK2YZYVujwuw
BlackMegaMan https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3ypcIL45lYQJDqHLMEcVYA
BlackSpaceShip https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtcguI8UB6ktS-SFHsi7Kjg
Bluefox123 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBa7rbScPOnDkU9_VS2gF-g
GeekyDave https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVpFG2k2XKEGWTL95_feVMw
Devy https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFHZEylu9YGFymS0xLH5khQ
Doctor Edgeman https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4VYuXcbHtifRUQ6T9634-g
Fahyda https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCru3IqXkBZvM59erkex1l6A
HeiseiGoji91 https://www.youtube.com/user/SuperFredrikNilsson
Sprite X https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpVizYdOOKgZh0dlagiHWsA
KewlZonic https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu7Btu54A7Gwsqb9I9S1pvQ
Krusper Butter https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHm3szAS4gosdRjIQxvmL-g
Lewis https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjC9Ywmfk2KCNoJ0WnX8Evg
MCQSquare https://www.youtube.com/user/quadrilateralsquare
Muigio44 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_c2_tJAY1jNgBcxvgKR1EA
Nexus https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCku82rwSyN6UGC_MGaNe9WA
Omega https://www.youtube.com/user/Omega7321Gaming
Patafoin https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPs2Iagc0lKeFaJEOTSaTsA
Pixelmation https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG9QmuUq0tXm85apIq9lGLA
RGPAnims https://www.youtube.com/user/RafaGamersProduction
Sario350 https://www.youtube.com/user/sario350
Super Kooper https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy0IiFBIp6fzKK3aGZK3Vbg
Spotty https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXHyX2T8p0U4kdeZVq4bYQw
The Pixelation/Its Me Ivan https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_NtprucbVQba-xeOFy0QGw

Shadic15 aka DoujinPixation aka host of this awesome collab here :D It was a great experience working together with so many great animators. There's a lot to see, a lot of skits and a lot of fun to be had. So just sit back and enjoy this incredible collab and stay tuned for any new Oddshow experience in the future ;)

Updates and news on Facebook :

Also worth checking out :
Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/shadic15
DeviantArt : http://shadic15.deviantart.com
Newgrounds : http://www.newgrounds.com
Youtube Thumbnail Sonic Oddshow HD Remix
Sonic Oddshow HD Remix
by DoujinPixation
12:38 - 32,226,863 views

Well, here it is. It didn't take me that long to make this video, but only because of one reason... I graduated from university and I've had a lot of free time. It was a lot of fun to recreate the original Oddshow and now I can't wait to bring to you the next Oddshow, which is..., well you'll see ;) Anyways, if you're following me you've probably noticed I'm going to Japan next week, which means I won't be able to work effectively on any videos. Don't worry, when I come back in 2 months, things will pick up :) Until then, enjoy this crazy instalment of the Oddshow series :)

Sonic 2 XL sprites : http://imgur.com/yI8pS

Updates and news on Facebook :

Also, follow me on Twitter, if you want :

Also worth checking out :
2nd channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8FmzfV_M1Ef-Cp-VsumXkw
DeviantArt : http://shadic15.deviantart.com
Newgrounds : http://www.newgrounds.com
Youtube Thumbnail Sonic Oddshow K
Sonic Oddshow K
by DoujinPixation
10:42 - 4,275,749 views

Updates and news on Facebook :

Or maybe you want to become a patreon :

Hello, Shadic15 here. IT'S DONE :D :D Sonic Oddshow K is finished. Finally you get to see the expansion of Sonic Oddshow 3 and I do hope you like this crazy installment :D

Now, it took me 6 weeks to make this one and I was kinda surprised I couldn't work faster and get it released sooner, but I guess creating something like this and at the same time manage your private does take time and patience. But I am very happy I could release this one. It's probably the best installment, at least to me :) There are several new things I tried with this episode and I hope it comes across the way I want it. Anyway there are many things I could say, but I'll just stick with : Thank you for your support, it means a lot to me :) Of course, this isn't the end, new things will be released as they are being made :)

Also, the flash/newgrounds version will be released much later. I still need to fix several aspects that I didn't need to consider when converting to video format. Hmm.. guess that's all :o I'll have a small list of credits here underneath (spriters), and also check out the comment section for a full of all music tracks. Enjoy and have fun :)

PS : I noticed Sonic Oddshow K is one second longer than Sonic Oddshow 3, now that's quite funny xD

Also worth checking out :
DeviantArt : http://shadic15.deviantart.com
Newgrounds : http://www.newgrounds.com


(Characters) SonicBoom16, Kekun, E-122-Psi, Nebula, Fox Omega, Kris, Gardow, Spyridori, Clyent Nite, Rathe Ethransu, Taodkarter, Deekman, T0ms0nic, Gamenerd, Gibbo, Tonberry2K, Finalbeyond, Golden Saphir, Demonfox, Flare, Rlan, Repoman, Psuedo, Damien the Bat, Psycosis91, Veckles the Echidna, SemiJuggalo, SkyLights, Bacon, DBurraki, CyberShadow, Joe TE, Metal Kirby, Knuckles T15, Dr. Kithrixx, Pokeman25, hypershadow, Kajin, Psyguy, Much-2-Much, AkumaTh & Lance, Dark Shrine, Frag, Zenor, Supa Sonic, pdarkfox, Dolphman, Mr. C, Techokami

(Back/Foregrounds) Divine Insect, AzRaezel/Dan, SuperFlorian12, SkylIghts, … more coming

If there's anyone not being named, consider yourself credited, and I do not claim anything my property. All credits go to their respective owner, and copyrights go to Sega and Sonic Team. Only a few custom sprites are made by me.
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