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Level 0 NPCs Friday the 13th: The Game Ep.6 both POVs
by Level 0 NPCs

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Youtube Thumbnail Let's Play Friday the 13th: The Game: Episode 6 Side A - Car door dosey doe (Jason POV)
Let's Play Friday the 13th: The Game: Episode 6 Side A - Car door dosey doe (Jason POV)
by Level 0 NPCs
17:23 - 50 views

This week, the NPCs head to Higgins Haven and Jon gets his first try at playing Jason. There are a few growing pains as he teaches himself how to play the masked marauder, but he quickly seeks and destroys Bud, and there's a party at the blue car as all the other counselors start to show up one-by-one. Jason's pulling scared teens out of car windows left and right in this episode, and Luke gets in a timely Aliens reference.

Join us for more! On Level 0 NPCs, Every Friday is the 13th!: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLacwSBKCWdF9L5pmu327Qu1T9uR4cVgHO

Watch ThursDev: Being Jason Voorhees - Dawn of the Asymmetrical Horror Game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVPcvZAxBOQ
Watch Friday the 13th: The Game - Virtual Cabin Walkthrough & Easter Egg Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7FsLop7caw

Friday the 13th: The Game is the asymmetrical horror game experience that you've all been waiting for. Quake in the boots of a terrified camp counselor at Camp Crystal Lake, while being hunted by the original slasher himself: Jason Voorhees. One player dons the iconic hockey mask, and the other players must frantically search for components to start a car and escape to safety before everyone can be killed by Jason. But beware! Jason has a few tricks up his sleeve, and it won't be easy. Get ready for a bloodbath!

Friday the 13th: The Game is copyright © Gun Media & Illfonic
Youtube Thumbnail Let's Play Friday the 13th: The Game: Episode 6 Side B - Car door dosey doe (Counselor POV)
Let's Play Friday the 13th: The Game: Episode 6 Side B - Car door dosey doe (Counselor POV)
by Level 0 NPCs
17:23 - 40 views

This week, on the Friday the 13th episode 6 B-Side, Matt, Aaron, Bud & Luke are playing car mechanic, as astoundingly good luck lands all of the parts necessary to repair and rev up one of the cars in very close proximity. Tight teamwork and a lot of distractions for Jon's Jason get the car all good to go, but not before Jason gets wind of their automobile antics and shows up to crash the party.

Join us for more! On Level 0 NPCs, Every Friday is the 13th!: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLacwSBKCWdF9L5pmu327Qu1T9uR4cVgHO

Watch ThursDev: Being Jason Voorhees - Dawn of the Asymmetrical Horror Game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVPcvZAxBOQ
Watch Friday the 13th: The Game - Virtual Cabin Walkthrough & Easter Egg Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7FsLop7caw

Friday the 13th: The Game is the asymmetrical horror game experience that you've all been waiting for. Quake in the boots of a terrified camp counselor at Camp Crystal Lake, while being hunted by the original slasher himself: Jason Voorhees. One player dons the iconic hockey mask, and the other players must frantically search for components to start a car and escape to safety before everyone can be killed by Jason. But beware! Jason has a few tricks up his sleeve, and it won't be easy. Get ready for a bloodbath!

Friday the 13th: The Game is copyright © Gun Media & Illfonic
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