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Youtube Thumbnail The Mine Song but it's the end of the world.
The Mine Song but it's the end of the world.
by Rolli
1:28 - 121,722 views

RIP Stingy, Mailbox, triagonal Sign and everything else.
Youtube Thumbnail The Mine Song but Stingy is ending the world
The Mine Song but Stingy is ending the world
by Shyrx
1:00 - 34,742 views

all your lives are mine
Youtube Thumbnail The Mine Song but it's in Minecraft (remastered)
The Mine Song but it's in Minecraft (remastered)
1:00 - 544,654 views

That's what I said, it's MINEcraft
the best minecraft parody ever
Updated my old video to be better, removed the minecraft music and added noteblock midi join the meme brigade: https://discord.gg/JZNTFu2
Youtube Thumbnail The Mine Song but Stingy's voice is the Roblox death sound
The Mine Song but Stingy's voice is the Roblox death sound
by Rolobi
1:00 - 360,233 views

yes it's supposed to look bad
Shoutouts to the bunches of people who walked up to me and ruined my recording half of the time.
i swear to god this one guy hit me with a firetruck halfway through

Just a short reminder that Mr. Riolu's eyes are canonically blue.
Youtube Thumbnail The mine song but every mine increases bass by 100 units
The mine song but every "mine" increases bass by 100 units
by AE Shenanigans
1:00 - 337,021 views

the mine song (God is dead edition)
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Youtube Thumbnail the mine song but every mine switches between heaven and hell
the mine song but every mine switches between heaven and hell
by Lu9.2
1:00 - 1,557,328 views


Hell Version (Full):
Heaven Version (Full):
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The Mine song Hexaparison 5 a request from annoying goose (For Lego my eggo) pillows dance contest
R.I.P Earrape Headset up to faster parison Wow it's a day to remeber The YTP Collection 3
Amazing Credits Remix ВИD Of Doom ver 2 vs ver 5 Every Luxo Jr. Short Series Episode Played at the Same Time
Sparta Maker Remix Quadparison Samsung Logo History Quadparison 1 Patchwork Pals Part 2