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(Requested By Pet297 alt) Logos Sparta Remix Quadparison (My Version)

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Youtube Thumbnail A 1988's 20th Century Fox Television has a Sparta Remix {My Version}
A 1988's 20th Century Fox Television has a Sparta Remix {My Version}
by TimelyCentralVision1530
2:10 - 157,084 views

Base by Keaton
Original idea by DaSpartanRemixer and TehNinjaSpartan

NOTE : I Decided vegas it's not crashed. that's interesting pitch, that's nice. what do you want to search #20thCenturyFoxTelevisionSpartaRemix you go to hashtag here.

i own nothing

All credit goes to their owners
whoever they may be
and all the IVE logos
are the only things from me!
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