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My Sparta Gamma Quadparison
by Mario Fan 1995SWell

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Youtube Thumbnail (Pitch Test) Greyson has a Sparta Gamma Remix
(Pitch Test) Greyson has a Sparta Gamma Remix
by Zory13
3:15 - 3,257 views

This was made to test the Gamma Pitch patterns, I think I nailed it for the most part.

The source is a school project our class made when I was in 6th grade
We needed someone to bring a video camera so I offered to use mine
after we where done, I'm pretty sure everyone forgot about it, even me, but I still had it after all these years so I decided to remix it.

For clarification: The Person at 1:44 is a guy, it was a really weird skit

In my opinion, a base is not overused unless it it used to make tons of simplistic Sparta remixes "like this one." But would you call Extended base overused? No, because every remix with extended as the base is different.

Source is my classmates in a school project

Base by Alex the Savior
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