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The Mine Song (In 8 Diffrent Langueges in 1) (Fixed)
by EthanIsAwsome911

This set has accumulated 1,333 points based on views and sharing
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Youtube Thumbnail Lazy Town | The Mine Song Music Video
Lazy Town | The Mine Song Music Video
by LazyTown
1:00 - 11,917,001 views

► Lazy Town - New Videos!: http://bit.ly/2pomR9p

Sing along to the Songs of Lazy Town!

Subscribe to the Lazy Town YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNuLcjVa3vCeHFyUeTKtBlA?sub_confirmation=1

Click to watch more Lazy Town Videos
Youtube Thumbnail LazyTown - The Mine Song - Spanish (Spain) - Lyrics Video
LazyTown - The Mine Song - Spanish (Spain) - Lyrics Video
by SportaMega
1:02 - 87,880 views

"Es mío". The Mine Song in Spanish with lyrics.
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Youtube Thumbnail title
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Youtube Thumbnail Лентяево / LazyTown - Моя песня / Mine song (Russian)
Лентяево / LazyTown - Моя песня / Mine song (Russian)
by Ilmira1995
1:00 - 490,227 views

Это ящик мой
И знак за моей спиной
Воздушный шар
На небе пар
Мой, мой, мой, мой, мой!
Леденцы мои
И птички все мои
Весь город мой
И снег зимой
Конечно тоже мой
Повсюду все мое
Мультфильмы и кино
Запад и восток
Я люблю их
Ведь я держу их
Я Стинги, все мое!
И этот проигрыш тоже мой
Пол и стены мои
Все что у вас внутри
Не убегайте
Все мне отдайте
Мое, мое, мое!
Я не шучу, мое!
Youtube Thumbnail LazyTown - The Mine Song (Korean)
LazyTown - The Mine Song (Korean)
by TVFan101 BBCTwoIdentFan
1:00 - 84,509 views

This dub of this song wasn't on YouTube, so I've uploaded it. This is one of my favourite LazyTown songs.
Youtube Thumbnail Lazy Town - The Mine Song (Heb)
Lazy Town - The Mine Song (Heb)
by Yosya123456
1:11 - 243,147 views

Lazy Town - "The Mine Song" in Hebrew
Youtube Thumbnail The Mine Song but in Portuguese Brazilian (Official)
The Mine Song but in Portuguese Brazilian (Official)
by Green Swag
1:13 - 139,153 views

A "mine song" com a dublagem oficial, tive sorte de encontrar e ser o primeiro a postar!
Infelizmente eu não tenho a musica "We Are Number One" (Somos Os Melhores) mas estou procurando por ela e quando eu encontrar, eu irei postar!
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