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Youtube Thumbnail Half Life 2 Overwatch City Voice
Half Life 2 Overwatch City Voice
by Greenpeacekiller
8:56 - 234,468 views

The Combine Overwatch are the primary military force of the Combine on Earth. It consists of biomechanically enhanced humans, who wear heavily padded long-sleeve body armor and gas masks. The markings on the suit change depending on each individual unit's assignment and rank. Elite Combine soldiers wear bright white armor, while the majority of soldiers wear variations of blue or brown armor. They are armed with a variety of firearms, including shotguns, submachine guns, sniper rifles and pulse rifles. Combine soldiers usually operate in small groups, using squad tactics and grenades to flush out and flank the player. They occasionally provide support to Combine synths, and often travel to areas by use of dropships. They use radios to communicate with each other and with Overwatch headquarters. Combine Overwatch soldiers are usually encountered outside City 17, and only appear in the city after a large uprising at the end of Half-Life 2.
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