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Silent Scream Duet Anna Blue and Damien Dawn
by voldevoldemorta

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Youtube Thumbnail DamienDawn - SILENT SCREAM (Official Music Video)
DamienDawn - SILENT SCREAM (Official Music Video)
by Damien Dawn
3:41 - 6,419,471 views

Official Damien Dawn Music Video for "Silent Scream". Get it on itunes: http://apple.co/28Q3YrG , Play: http://bit.ly/2aH9hLF . You can also stream this on Spotify: http://bit.ly/2b26fxJ

Also available on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2ae3Fa9

First video after 6 years and you get... Silent Scream.
I recorded with Anna at the same time and it was supposed to be a gift for her but everybody was like "cool, let's publish it" (actually Anna asked a million times ^^; ). If you ever wondered... or not.

Anna's version (the original one):

Beware, my lyrics have minor tweaks.

I'm on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DamienDawn/
and that's it. I'm not on Twitter and not on Instagram. Sorry ._.

About Me:
Damien is a German singer and songwriter. He’s a single child and speaks 3 languages fluently. He played Ice Hockey in school and gained his first musical experiences at music school (playing piano and cello).
Damien’s first song “Your Heart” was released in 2010 - a rock ballad which gained him an international fan base.
His music is influenced by groups such as 30 Seconds To Mars, Nell, Muse, Oasis and classic rock bands, however he isn’t interested in restricting himself by genres and archetypes
Youtube Thumbnail Anna Blue- Silent Scream (Official Music Video)
Anna Blue- Silent Scream (Official Music Video)
by annablutube
3:41 - 72,681,904 views

Get the song on itunes http://apple.co/2p2ospC , Play http://bit.ly/2pdpEpH ,spotify http://spoti.fi/2biIvpL and amazon http://amzn.to/2pdt0ZF

Also available on deezer and several other streaming platforms and stores.

Say hi on...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnnaBlueMusik/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annabluemusik/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnnaBlueShouts

Short Q&A
Can I do a cover of your songs?- YES
Can I use your music for my videos if it‘s not a cover: No. Please respect it.
But… - No seriously, pelase respect it.
Are you and Damien a couple?- Yes
Where can I find out more about? - we uploaded 4 Q&A videos. Maybe watch them if you‘re curious, ok?

Art: https://www.instagram.com/annedrawsstuff

Anna barely turned 12 years old when she started writing her own songs, a need to give her many feelings a vent. Inspirations were plenty – Dashboard Confessional influenced her just as much as 30 Seconds to Mars. It may be her youth that blurred any style restrictions: Emo, Punk or Gothic have always been equally represented in her music collection – as long as it was true passion that lead the artists.
That is exactly the key element in her songs: they may all just be written by Anna in her room – but there always is that emphasis on true feelings and expressive lyrics.
This candor might be strange for some but it is just this distinction in her thinking, her direct lyrics and her vivid songwriting that make up Anna’s style. A style that speaks directly from the hearts of her many listeners.
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