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Un Owen Was Her comaprison
by Adrian

This set has accumulated 754 points based on views and sharing
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Youtube Thumbnail Ronald McDonald insanity
Ronald McDonald insanity
by mrhorseshoe
5:18 - 17,030,125 views

Another wacky Ronald McDonald clip from nicovideo. No words can describe this.

This is based off of a song called "U.N. Owen was her" Flandre Scarlet's theme from a game called Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil - AKA Touhou 6. It is a bullet hell series where you play as a heroine and try to get trough all 6 stages and then if you choose, to fight the Extra stage boss. In Touhou 6 Gensokyo (where they live) is shrouded by red mist by a vampire known as Remilia Scarlet and you have to go to her mansion to defeat her and stop the mist. (thanks killette2)

I DID NOT CREATE THIS AND IN NO WAY AM I PROFITING FROM THIS VIDEO. I posted this on YouTube for people that don't have NicoVideo access. Please stop sending me messages about this.

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