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Youtube Thumbnail Super Mario Bros. Speed Run - 4:58.89
Super Mario Bros. Speed Run - 4:58.89
by andrewg1990
5:34 - 2,745,150 views

I claim that this run will never be improved another second! And... I was proven wrong!

This run's exact time is 4:58.898 (17916 frames / 59.94fps) from control of Mario until hitting Bowser's axe.

If someone ever gets a 4:57, I will be EXTREMELY impressed. 4:57 should be a perfect console time. It requires "hitting the lottery."

This is the previous world record speed run fastest completion for Super Mario Bros. the original Nintendo NES video game. This was completed using a normal NES, normal controller, and my two hands. Nothing was modified, cheated, hacked, or edited.

Speedrun History:
February 26 2004, 5:11, Scott Kessler
April 23 2004, 5:10, Scott Kessler
October 9 2004, 5:07, Trevor Seguin
November 7 2004, 5:06, Trevor Seguin
September 14 2006, 5:05, Scott Kessler (5:08 by Twin Galaxies)
April 10 2007, 5:00, Andrew Gardikis
December 24 2010, 4:59, Andrew Gardikis
December 15 2011, 4:58, Andrew Gardikis
July 25 2014, 4:57, Blubbler (Current)

Super Mario Bros. FAQ:

Q1: Isn't it faster to jump at the bottom of the flagpole? No, it is faster to jump at the top; When Mario drops off of the flagpole, he accelerates quicker to the castle, activating the timer earlier.

Q2: How did you not die throughout the run? Flawed Hit detection makes it possible to jump through or kill certain enemies. If Mario is moving downward, he takes priority over enemies, such as Hammer Bros in 8-3. The tops of piranha plants, the ends of firebars, and Bowser's axes all have hitbox issues which I use to my advantage.

Q3: What did you do in level 4-2? It is a glitch. Jumping backwards into any object (In 4-2 - I did two of these) pushes Mario to the right side of the screen, the pipe and vine are close enough for the game to think I took the vine, saving time without a vine "cutscene".

Q4: You went directly through one of Bowser's axes at the very end, I saw it! Well, one the hitbox detection in the game is poor, but the real reason for this is that there can only be 6 sprites on screen at one time. Bowser shot a fireball and throws 6 axes, and continues to throw more as I jump through. Since there can be only 6 objects, at times some of the axes are not actually deadly. It is possible to jump through almost every pattern he throws, but the timing needs to be very precise with no hesitation.

Q5: The first pipe in 8-4 you ran into the piranha plant and did not die, why? The piranha plant for some reason disappears as you approach it.

Q6: Why did you do this run? To push the game to its limits. Speedrunning is fun. I wanted to see what time is the fastest I could manage.

Q7: How did you jump off the side of that wall in 8-4? I did a walljump; simply catch Mario's foot in the 16th pixel of a block and jump on the exact frame Mario catches his foot.

Q8: You took the wrong pipe to get to the water area in level 8-4? Yes, Going a certain distance past that pipe and then turning back tricks the game. That pipe is quicker, very slightly.

Q9: Why didn't you fall into the gaps when you ran over them? You can run over gaps, you can even walk over them occasionally.

Q10: How is this timed? Time starts from control of Mario and ends upon hitting the axe (SDA).

Q11: Why slow down at the end of 8-3? I would have gotten fireworks, adding time to my run. If you hit the flagpole with a 243, you get 3 fireworks.
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