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Everything'd Is Awesome (V1.1)
by Prince Singh

This set has accumulated 864 points based on views and sharing
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Youtube Thumbnail Scribblenauts: Funtime
Scribblenauts: Funtime
by ScribblenautsINC
2:54 - 74,711 views

Created at http://goanimate.com/
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Youtube Thumbnail SM64 bloopers: Castle Royale
SM64 bloopers: Castle Royale
by SMG4
11:15 - 5,566,889 views

Peach has been invited today to unite kingdoms with another well known (not really) kingdom. the woopwoop kingdom. but of course mario is there to assist and others as well. what swiggty swooty stuff is gonna happen?

visit my facebook!
and also tweeeeeter!
buy some swag! smg4.spreadshirt.com

sounds used
toad - Mario and luigi christmas dinner by Matthewgu4
sonic for hire
mario has had enough 2 - Whitetongue
luigi sings jingle bells

Youtube Thumbnail Windows XP Sounds Hip Hop Beat Awful
Windows XP Sounds Hip Hop Beat Awful
by Mamon Fighter 2nd Channel
2:22 - 2,199 views

Here it is. Windows XP Hip Hop Beat in Parappa Ther Rapper Awful Remix, with bonus suprise at the end of this song.

Original Song Source by Łukasz Pych
Requested by DuperBuilderman123
Inspired by HellFire23452
for lemurboy123, HellFire23452, DashingTersocks, grooby1011, and DuperBuilderman123
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