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the pefect madhouse v3 mix (my version)
by Princess Thalia

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Youtube Thumbnail Regular Show Mordecai I'll Kill you! sparta Madhouse v3
Regular Show Mordecai I'll Kill you! sparta Madhouse v3
by MrNosgon
2:20 - 279,465 views

The base may be louder then Mordicai at times, but I couldn't really fix that part. The freestyle idea was a little difficult since I didn't have the full length episode but just this scene really. So I made do.

Freestyles used: Zozey1231 and TLF007

Base: Sparta Madhouse v3

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Regular show or any of the characters, they belong to their rightful owners. This was made for fun.
Youtube Thumbnail [REUPLOAD] Klasky Csupo Newer Robot has a Sparta Madhouse V3 Remix
[REUPLOAD] Klasky Csupo Newer Robot has a Sparta Madhouse V3 Remix
by Pajama Network Archive
2:20 - 87,566 views

Reuploaded from 09noahjohn (yes, he returned as 09noahjohn 2)

I own nothing used in this video.
Youtube Thumbnail BoomStick! Sparta MadHouseV3 Remix
BoomStick! Sparta MadHouseV3 Remix
by Rains
2:30 - 2,585 views

So I preordered PokerNight 2, and decided to make it into a sparta remix. yeah.


Original Video ► "Poker Night 2 Teaser Trailer"


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