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Annoying Goose 63: Kyoobur9000 Modern Kyoob Strikes Back!
by Prince Singh

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Youtube Thumbnail Kyoobur9000 Modern Kyoob Logo Version 2
Kyoobur9000 Modern Kyoob Logo Version 2
by Kyoobur9000
0:39 - 6,925 views

Now the kyoob merges instead of rises. I have another version already planned, and it's gonna blow your mind.
Youtube Thumbnail Kyoobur9000 Logo Final Version as of 9.26.12 (Description for details)
Kyoobur9000 Logo Final Version as of 9.26.12 (Description for details)
by Kyoobur9000
0:38 - 11,824 views

This logo was created almost a week ago, but it was finalized in this video. This logo will be called the MD9K, short for "Modern-Day Kyoobur9000". According to a sequence brought to my attention by @logoking1, this video may also be called "The 9K Kyoob IV" as it is the fourth widely-used Kyoob on my channel.

PowerPoint was needed to construct the shapes and cut them up, and Sony Vegas was needed for most of the motion. I used Garageband to make the original audio, and edited it at home with Audacity. It is one of my most intricate logos to date.
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