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The Rhodesian Bush War Experience

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Youtube Thumbnail Warfare sound effect 2 - distant firefight
Warfare sound effect 2 - distant firefight
by TheMSsoundeffects
2:25 - 196,707 views

Modern fire fight taking place in the distance, small arms fire, helicopters passing by. Sound ripped from Modern Warfare 3 game.

Download link:
Youtube Thumbnail [SOUND] Artillery Ambiance
[SOUND] Artillery Ambiance
by KoeWaffle's Animations
2:45 - 190,894 views

Happy new year! The heavy fireworks around us reminded me of artillery fire, so I decided to create this.

Edited with Audacity, sounds sourced from Company of Heroes.
Youtube Thumbnail Vietnam War Radio Chatter- Gunship Taking Fire
Vietnam War Radio Chatter- Gunship Taking Fire
by johnsmith
2:00 - 325,218 views

This radio chatter is from a group of gunship pilots (Hueys I presume) who are operating in support of American ground troops. One of the pilots panics as he starts taking fire from a 23mm NVA anti-aircraft battery. Two choppers go down as a result of the AA fire.
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