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sparta remix quadparison 55
by dallas

This set has accumulated 649 points based on views and sharing
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Youtube Thumbnail SpongeBob SquarePants - Open Sesame Sparta Remix (V2)
SpongeBob SquarePants - Open Sesame Sparta Remix (V2)
by Sliacen
2:23 - 1,287,969 views

Feel free to add suggestions on how to make this better :D

No copyright infringement intended. Copyright belongs to Viacom and all the other respective owners of Spongebob, and the song.

So yeah, I've finally had the time to make a version 2. I've improved some stuff, like the timing, teh epicness, as well as some new stuff that I didn't do on the first one. Hope this is better than the first one :P

EDIT 7/14/11: HOLY MOTHER OF ALL THAT IS CHEESE! 10,000 VIEWS? Thank you so much guys!
EDIT 8/9/11: 20,000 views?!? Wow...that's a lot more than I'd ever expect...
EDIT 8/25/11: 30,000 views? Well technically 29,999 because YouTube's being stupid, but wow...you people are insane.
EDIT 9/11/11: 40,000 views. Yep. Thanks guys! I'm not going to update again until like 100K.
EDIT 2/4/12: I'm confused. The V3 of this same remix is so much better, yet this one is more popular. Anyways, thanks for the 100K views!
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