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Gaur Plains Instrumental with 8 bit

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Youtube Thumbnail Gaur Plain 8 Bit Remix - Xenoblade Chronicles
Gaur Plain 8 Bit Remix - Xenoblade Chronicles
by Bulby
8:07 - 544,253 views

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8 Bit NES cover of Gaur Plains from Xenoblade Chronicles. Definitely up there as being one of the best video game tunes of all time.

I use Logic Pro 9 and "chipsounds", by Plogue, in all my 8 Bit works, and Kontakt 5 and soundfonts available online for all my other retro remixes.

Feel free to use any of my remixes for your own YouTube videos, just leave a link to my channel in the video description. \(`_´)/


I make all my retro remixes from scratch, it is a creative process in which I rework or re-imagine existing tracks into an retro inspired sound. Proof of creation will always be available if needed.
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