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PTSD Emulator machine

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Youtube Thumbnail Rain and Thunder 10 Hours High Quality
Rain and Thunder 10 Hours High Quality
by scrapper9000
600:00 - 11,449,419 views

NEW video here. Rain and Thunder 4K: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CBAKr5fGqQ
NEW video here. Gentle Rain Sounds 4K: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jvw-YnP9Xl4

A higher quality version of my first Rain and Thunder video. The original video is older and I know the sound wasn't that great. Back then I couldn't create a real high quality 10 hour video because my internet was super slow. It would take like 36 hours non stop uploading, which is likely to fail. Now I have better internet. Switch to 1080p if it ever comes available.
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