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N.E. Admin panel Ambiance
by Warehouse

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Youtube Thumbnail Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Gunfire Ambience
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Gunfire Ambience
by southparkfan200
5:23 - 135,769 views

I don't know why i uploaded this but the gunfire ambience is just so relaxing to listen too its because you usually hear it in some single player missions and most multiplayer levels. you can find this in your game files (PC version only), but you have to extract the iw files, ex. iw_14.iwd. iw_01-iw_11 are just images and iw_14-iw_20 are all sounds in the game.
Youtube Thumbnail Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Radio Chatter
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Radio Chatter
by Jay
9:37 - 264,523 views

Modern Warfare 2 Radio Chatter from the campaign. Most of it is from the chapter: "Of Their Own Accord"
Youtube Thumbnail RainyMood.com (Official)
RainyMood.com (Official)
by Rainy Mood
12:08 - 2,556,802 views

This is the official Rainy Mood video on YouTube. Go to http://www.RainyMood.com for a longer and higher quality version.
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