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Karathi Invasion....

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Youtube Thumbnail Vietnam War Radio Chatter- Gunship Taking Fire
Vietnam War Radio Chatter- Gunship Taking Fire
by johnsmith
2:00 - 325,218 views

This radio chatter is from a group of gunship pilots (Hueys I presume) who are operating in support of American ground troops. One of the pilots panics as he starts taking fire from a 23mm NVA anti-aircraft battery. Two choppers go down as a result of the AA fire.
Youtube Thumbnail [HD] [STEREO] War Ambient Sounds
[HD] [STEREO] War Ambient Sounds
by Puma Socat
5:19 - 268,152 views

Sounds of battles, guns helicopters, plane, tanks, explosions, grenades, flames, ... WAR
Youtube Thumbnail Nuclear Alarm Siren - 10 minutes (World War III)
Nuclear Alarm Siren - 10 minutes (World War III)
by Prestigigator
10:07 - 7,496,525 views

10 minutes of nuclear alarm :)
Have fun !

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