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a banana peanut butter jelly poptart and a unicorn nøtteskall

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Youtube Thumbnail Banana Phone
Banana Phone
by alyssa cha
3:16 - 24,359,796 views

Banana Phone :)
btw, ppl, the fast version is just this song sped up.
big whoop.
and you can see it on my other account-

Youtube Thumbnail It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!!!
It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!!!
by AlbinoBlackSheep
1:46 - 51,529,757 views

Original with song: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/banana

Animation by Ryan Gancenia Etrata.

Dancing Banana - Peanut Butter Jelly Time

It's peanut butter jelly time
Peanut butter jelly time
Where you at?
Where you at?
Now there we go
There we go
Peanut butter jelly
Peanut butter jelly
Peanut butter jelly and a baseball bat
Peanut butter jelly and a baseball bat
Now break it down and freeze
Break it down and freeze
Youtube Thumbnail Nyan Cat [original]
Nyan Cat [original]
3:37 - 170,974,317 views

For PJ.

Check out Nyan Cat at http://nyan.cat/
Official Nyan Cat Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NyanCatWorld
Nyan Cat on Twitter: https://twitter.com/nyannyancat

Nyan Cat Store: http://nyancat.cat/store.html

GIF by PRguitarman http://www.prguitarman.com/index.php?id=348
Song by Daniwell-P/Momone Momo UTAU http://momolabo.lolipop.jp/nyancatsong/Nyan/
***used with permission; I own neither***
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