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Minecraft Mash to the Max

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Youtube Thumbnail ♪ "Like An Enderman" - Minecraft Song
♪ "Like An Enderman" - Minecraft Song
by ThnxCya
2:18 - 88,253,038 views

Please leave a LIKE and SUB HERE! → http://goo.gl/nGHJ06
♫ NOW ON iTUNES! - https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/like-an-enderman-single/id586251039

Join The ThnxCya Website! http://teamthnxcya.net/

Do you fancy owning your own Minecraft server? I HIGHLY recommend McProHosting! Check them out here to get a discount!

Please support the music by clicking this Link to share
on twitter! - http://clicktotweet.com/b3900
Animator - http://www.youtube.com/user/BurnedVirus
More Music is available on iTunes! - https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/thnxcya/id504112734


Watch you now, while you turn something into nothing,
Look its raining now, you better believe me sir i aint bluffing.
Gonna creep you now, but not creep like those green things that you often see
Cumon TNT? that don't bother me!
Im like Slenderman, Do it properly!

You saw me there, just one glimpse then im gone, but not for long!
Coz i bet your scared, this town aint built for two, just for one,
Stay aware, coz im just chilling over here, NOPE! Over there.
I like to stare, coz im both your biggest fan and your worst nightmare!

Pre Chorus
The truth hurts, coz this is my world, you'd better know, you'd better know.
I wont stop coz i want your blocks, just so you know, just so you know, just so you know.


LIke an Enderman
Like an Enderman

HEY, Heya stevie,
HEY - I am creepy.

The truth hurts, coz this is my world, you'd better know, you'd better know.
I wont stop coz i want your blocks, just so you know, just so you know, just so you know.

Like an Enderman!

This is a Minecraft Parody Of ‪PSY - GANGNAM STYLE (강남스타일) M/V‬

iTunes http://tinyurl.com/72sk55f
Twitter http://twitter.com/ThnxCya
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/Thnxcya
BandCamp http://thnxcya.bandcamp.com
Music - incompetech.com
For the most AWESOME Dedicated Minecraft Servers
I recommend McPowerHosting
Check them out at this link! - http://bit.ly/ThnxCya

Or https://www.facebook.com/McPowerHosting

This video contains Minecraft let's play / mod showcase and or song / parody gameplay, uploaded under standard youtube license by ThnxCya. Please do not re upload
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