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dumb all way to die by chase swenson
by chase

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Youtube Thumbnail Dumb Ways to Die
Dumb Ways to Die
by DumbWays2Die
3:02 - 182,481,105 views

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Download the song: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/dumb-ways-to-die-single/id575962249
or http://soundcloud.com/tangerinekitty/tangerine-kitty-dumb-ways-to

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© Metro Trains Melbourne, Dumb Ways to Die™
Youtube Thumbnail Dumb Ways to Die em Belo Horizonte -- TV BHAZ
"Dumb Ways to Die" em Belo Horizonte -- TV BHAZ
2:35 - 1,632,003 views

A TV BHAZ lança nesta terça-feira (6) uma versão (irônica) do viral "Dumb Ways to Die" que, como sugere o nome, mostra maneiras estúpidas de morrer. A paródia aponta algumas situação esdrúxulas que podem ser vivenciadas pela população da Capital mineira.

Criação e Animação: Tatiana Mendes

Veja mais:

A PALAVRA é: Lagoa da Pampulha
Próxima pista: No dia em que postamos esse vídeo, também noticiamos no Bhaz uma morte em BH.
Ficamos tristes apesar de acreditarmos que era inevitável
Youtube Thumbnail Dumb Ways to Die alternative - Safe Ways to Surf
Dumb Ways to Die alternative - Safe Ways to Surf
by Dulwich College Shanghai
3:03 - 9,215,201 views

Inspired by the incredible Dumb Ways to Die video, Alec and Janne decided to re-write the words to share the message of internet safety. They created "Safe Ways to Surf!" Thanks to Julian, from the original team, for giving us permission to use their music and ideas! We hope you enjoy, and remember to stay safe online!
Youtube Thumbnail Dumb Ways to Drive
Dumb Ways to Drive
by TheShmuz
3:20 - 4,553,890 views

Purim... a time for fun, camaraderie, inspiration, connection with Hashem (G-d) and perhaps a L'chaim (or two!) -

So don't forget to designate,
a driver that's sober...

Save two lives!
1. Share this video with at least one friend right now (click on the sideways "V" in the top right corner of the video screen)
2. Please drink responsibly on Purim (or anytime)!

This is a public safety message brought to you by www.TheShmuz.com.


For a FREE The Shmuz car magnet go to: http://bit.ly/ShmuzMagnet

Make this Purim different:
- Listen for FREE to, "[Purim:] They Don't Make Anti-Semites Like They Used To (Shmuz #25)": http://bit.ly/1fnrmKf
- Purim: The Story Behind The Story - gain clarity and understanding of Purim, as the story of the Megillah opens up in front of you:
MP3 - http://bit.ly/PurimStoryMP3
CD Set - http://bit.ly/PurimStoryCD

--This video is a parody of Metro Trains Melbourne's "Dumb Ways to Die".
Youtube Thumbnail Dumb Ways to Die - Happy Tree Friends Edition (Version 2.0)
Dumb Ways to Die - Happy Tree Friends Edition (Version 2.0)
by CartoonStar
3:07 - 5,394,995 views

Project of: http://www.cartoonstar.de

Death Scenes and Cartoons: http://www.mondomedia.com

stay too long in the sun / hold a sharp-ended stick on the run
don`t watch out, when crossing streets / turn high'n'higher the earphone beats


steer an oil tanker through the north pole / light a bonfire with lots of petrol
drive blindly a car and feel cool / go as non-swimmer in a deepend pool


lift much too heavy weight / sometimes death comes fast and straight
fall into unknown water is no bliss / replacing light bulbs when hearing gas hiss


miscalculate a rocket setup can be hazardous / choking on oversized gum bubbles quite horrendous
slashed your head? a crazy hairdresser might give a clue / i wonder what this red cable will do.


stay out of the water during the jellyfish season / melting icecaps, caused by wasting energy may be the reason

be stupid, uncool and smoke cigarettes,
eat too much junk food, that makes you sick and fat,
drinking alcohol, that poisonous stuff will shrink your brain

they may not rhyme, but they kill most of the people


Look after yourself!

A message from CartoonStar.

Thanks to all involved!
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