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Hamas Drone Flight of the Valkyries

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Youtube Thumbnail Richard Wagner - The ride of the Valkyries from Die Walküre
Richard Wagner - The ride of the Valkyries from "Die Walküre"
by FacundoJG
4:51 - 8,859,357 views

Richard Wagner
The ride of the Valkyries, from Die Walküre

Richard Wagner is considered the master of German opera, and one of the most progressive composers in history.
The philosophical issues that Wagner considered vital to society were the tension between good and evil, between the physical and spiritual, and between selfishness and redemptive love.
Wagner is also one to the most controversial composers of our time, his music was breathtaking, his politics left many cold.

Der Ring des Nibelungen, (The Ring of the Nibelung), is a cycle of four epic music dramas by the German composer Richard Wagner.
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