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WW1 Triple Entente PTSD Simulator

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Youtube Thumbnail extreme Artillery sound
extreme Artillery sound
by Vault - Tec
1:15 - 362,550 views

The sound u here if u stey next to a Artillery Regimet. Including screaming officer and war sounds.

----------------------------- V A U L T - T E C -----------------------------

Informative literature:

Vault Dweller's Survival Guide (Orginal Version) [PDF]:

Vault Dweller's Survival Guide (Extended Version) [PDF]:

----------------------------- V A U L T - T E C -----------------------------
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Youtube Thumbnail Some Rising Storm Allied Death Sounds
Some Rising Storm Allied Death Sounds
by Jacquefisch
7:25 - 253,148 views

Like the title says, a few of the sad death Allied sounds from the Rising Storm expansion for Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad, set to a few sad soundtracks.

The Pacific - Honour for Oboe and Strings
The Pacific - Men At War
Letters from Iwo Jima - Main Theme
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