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All Kyoobur9000 Logos in one!!!!!!!
by Kailo1200

This set has accumulated 3,288 points based on views and sharing
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Youtube Thumbnail Kyoobur9000 Logo Enhanced with Diamond Standard
Kyoobur9000 Logo Enhanced with Diamond Standard
by Kyoobur9000
0:37 - 26,512 views

Honestly... I can't believe it took me this long to get the bright idea to do this.
Youtube Thumbnail Kyoobur9000 MD9K Logo in G-Major
Kyoobur9000 MD9K Logo in G-Major
by Kyoobur9000
0:38 - 6,953 views

Youtube Thumbnail Kyoobur9000 Logo Final Version as of 9.26.12 (Description for details)
Kyoobur9000 Logo Final Version as of 9.26.12 (Description for details)
by Kyoobur9000
0:38 - 11,824 views

This logo was created almost a week ago, but it was finalized in this video. This logo will be called the MD9K, short for "Modern-Day Kyoobur9000". According to a sequence brought to my attention by @logoking1, this video may also be called "The 9K Kyoob IV" as it is the fourth widely-used Kyoob on my channel.

PowerPoint was needed to construct the shapes and cut them up, and Sony Vegas was needed for most of the motion. I used Garageband to make the original audio, and edited it at home with Audacity. It is one of my most intricate logos to date.
Youtube Thumbnail Kyoobur9000 has pathogens
Kyoobur9000 has pathogens
by Kyoobur9000
0:37 - 5,161 views

Part of the No-Homework 7²-Video Upload Marathon of 11.8.12!

The entire guest list is as follows: Filmax, Fries Home Video, Marvel Productions Ltd./New World International, Paramount (Coming Attractions), Oz Film Manufacturing Company, Viacom (V of Steel), Cartoon Network (We've Got to Have Money), Nickelodeon (Pinch Face), Klasky Csupo, Inc. (Splaat) and my very own Kyoobur9000 Overlapping 9K Logo. No copyright infringement intended.
Youtube Thumbnail Not sure what I did to my new logo
Not sure what I did to my new logo
by Kyoobur9000
0:37 - 10,913 views

Part of the No-Homework 7²-Video Upload Marathon of 11.8.12!

The entire guest list is as follows: Filmax, Fries Home Video, Marvel Productions Ltd./New World International, Paramount (Coming Attractions), Oz Film Manufacturing Company, Viacom (V of Steel), Cartoon Network (We've Got to Have Money), Nickelodeon (Pinch Face), Klasky Csupo, Inc. (Splaat) and my very own Kyoobur9000 Overlapping 9K Logo. No copyright infringement intended.
Youtube Thumbnail Fatbur9000 Overfatting 9K
Fatbur9000 Overfatting 9K
by Kyoobur9000
0:37 - 13,126 views

Part of the No-Homework 7²-Video Upload Marathon of 11.8.12!

The entire guest list is as follows: Filmax, Fries Home Video, Marvel Productions Ltd./New World International, Paramount (Coming Attractions), Oz Film Manufacturing Company, Viacom (V of Steel), Cartoon Network (We've Got to Have Money), Nickelodeon (Pinch Face), Klasky Csupo, Inc. (Splaat) and my very own Kyoobur9000 Overlapping 9K Logo. No copyright infringement intended.
Youtube Thumbnail Kyoobur9000 Overlapping 9K Animated Logo
Kyoobur9000 Overlapping 9K Animated Logo
by Kyoobur9000
0:37 - 24,484 views

Aaaaaaaaaaand it's my new logo.

Microsoft - Sony - Audacity - Apple
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