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what are we going to do?
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Youtube Thumbnail Every planet we reach is dead - Gorillaz
Every planet we reach is dead - Gorillaz
by Tomas Reyes
4:05 - 94,083 views

AnimaciĆ³n usada para el tema 'Every planet we reach is dead' de Gorillaz en Gorillaz Demon Days LIVE at the Manchester Opera House

Letra / Lyrics

I lost my leg like I lost my way
So no loose ends
Nothing to see me down
How are we going to work this out?

Dreams aren't bad, I had turned back
I love the girl
But God only knows it's
Getting hard to see the sun coming through
I love you...
But what are we going to do?

Picture I'm a dreamer
I'll take you deeper
Down to the sleepy glow
Time is a low..
Don't you know?
What are we going to do?

When you go back
All the second selfless days
You're in love with him
I want to see you again
I love you...
But what are we going to do?
Youtube Thumbnail Waking Life - Where is my mind?
Waking Life - Where is my mind?
by GirzGirz
3:51 - 127,810 views

Song belongs to the The Pixies.

Waking Life belongs to Fox Searchlight productions. Showing the world that movies can be both educational and exceedingly trippy.

Some cartoon gore - be warned

UPDATE: It never crossed my mind when I uploaded this vid 3 years ago that it would achieve 50k+ views. I think that's amazing and I would like to thank you all for viewing. I hope you all enjoyed it :)
Youtube Thumbnail People watching TV
People watching TV
by ClassicIMG
1:27 - 45,171 views

People watching vintage television
Youtube Thumbnail title
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