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sparta venom remix quadparison 2
by pinkie pie

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Youtube Thumbnail Frozen: Libre soy! Sparta Venom Remix
Frozen: "Libre soy!" Sparta Venom Remix
by Namy Gaga
2:27 - 329,533 views

Mira el REMAKE!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgXt0ccnUm0

Primera en subir un Sparta remix de Frozen en español latino! y de Elsa cantando libre soy! :D YAY!

Este fue el esparta remix más fácil que he hecho, pero eso si, el más especial, ya que me gusta mucho Frozen, pues le hice este sparta remix. Espero que les guste ;)

Un fuerte aplauso a la chica que dobla la voz de Elsa en latino américa; Carmen Sarahí! :'D
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Youtube Thumbnail El Mar Verde- THEY WERE A GIFT!!!! Sparta Venom mix
El Mar Verde- THEY WERE A GIFT!!!! Sparta Venom mix
by MrNosgon
2:27 - 40,973 views

You will not believe what I went through to get this video, I had to download it off of another site- only to be converted into a file that Sony Vegas cannot open, I then had to upload it onto youtube, but set the video to private so nobody could access the video. (Some of you may have seen the video.) I then re downloaded the video using Keepvid.com and converted the video into an MP4 just so I could get the video to play on Sony vegas.

At first, I tried to convert the video myself using another program, but when all else failed- I hoped that youtube could provide me with some assistance, and it all worked out in the end.

I got the inspiration to do this sparta after seeing the episode- El Mar Verde is my favorite el tigre character, and this seen looked epic for a sparta remix- full of power!
This is also my 40th sparta remix uploaded onto youtube! my video uploads may say 43- but three of the videos aren't full flesh sparta's two are animations, and one a sparta base.

I can't wait to make forty more, haha! no seriously- Sparta remixes are like my music, so I will always be making them.

Disclaimer: I do not claim any of the video content as my own, El tigre and its characters belongs respectively to their rightful owners. The video was made for fun and entertainment.
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