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The World War One Expirence

This set has accumulated 725 points based on views and sharing
You like it? Red heart Make it famous: (1,448 views)

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Youtube Thumbnail Some Red Orchestra 2 Wehrmacht death moans
Some Red Orchestra 2 Wehrmacht death moans
by user5135
5:18 - 35,663 views

Russian voices:
German voice actors at their best
Youtube Thumbnail RainyMood.com (Official)
RainyMood.com (Official)
by Rainy Mood
12:08 - 2,556,802 views

This is the official Rainy Mood video on YouTube. Go to http://www.RainyMood.com for a longer and higher quality version.
Youtube Thumbnail Some Red Orchestra 2 Wehrmacht death moans
Some Red Orchestra 2 Wehrmacht death moans
by user5135
5:18 - 35,663 views

Russian voices:
German voice actors at their best
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