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Crazy Ass Music ft. Ian Hecox
by Doug Hurley

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Youtube Thumbnail ANTHONY SAVES HIS BEST FRIEND (Smosh Babies #10)
by Shut Up! Cartoons
5:31 - 4,844,170 views

NEXT EP: http://smo.sh/SmoshBabies11
PREVIOUS EP: http://smo.sh/SmoshBabies09
SUBSCRIBE: http://smo.sh/SubToShutUp

Will Anthony be able to save Ian, or will he lose his best friend to Alaska?

Before Ian and Anthony were stupid adults, they were even stupider babies! Follow their adventures every Monday only on Shut Up! Cartoons!

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Youtube Thumbnail SAVING THE UNIVERSE (Teleporting Fat Guy #10)
SAVING THE UNIVERSE (Teleporting Fat Guy #10)
by Shut Up! Cartoons
4:04 - 1,088,833 views

NEXT EP: http://smo.sh/SmoshTFG11
PREVIOUS EP: http://smo.sh/SmoshTFG09
SUBSCRIBE: http://smo.sh/SubToShutUp

The EPIC FINALE! Will Robbie be able to beat Bart Reynolds at his own game?

Join Smosh hero Teleporting Fat Guy in his time-traveling quest to restore order to the Universe!  Will Robbie Lee Phillips, Jr. learn to harness the magical Power Glove and defeat mustachioed menace Bart Reynolds?  Tune in for a new ep every Friday on Shut Up! Cartoons to find out!   

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Youtube Thumbnail PAPER PSYCHO (Paper Cuts #10)
PAPER PSYCHO (Paper Cuts #10)
by Shut Up! Cartoons
4:14 - 113,254 views

PREVIOUS EP: http://smo.sh/PaperCuts09
SUBSCRIBE: http://smo.sh/SubToShutUp

Who knew the Alfred Hitchcock's classic film could be so creepy in paper form?

Movie trailers and famous scenes shattered to pieces and painstakingly put back together using nothing but paper every other Wednesday on Shut Up! Cartoons!

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