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The Russian Invasion of America
by /k/ommando In Action

This set has accumulated 1,952 points based on views and sharing
You like it? Red heart Make it famous: (3,771 views)

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Youtube Thumbnail [SOUND] Artillery Ambiance
[SOUND] Artillery Ambiance
by KoeWaffle's Animations
2:45 - 190,894 views

Happy new year! The heavy fireworks around us reminded me of artillery fire, so I decided to create this.

Edited with Audacity, sounds sourced from Company of Heroes.
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Youtube Thumbnail RainyMood.com (Official)
RainyMood.com (Official)
by Rainy Mood
12:08 - 2,556,802 views

This is the official Rainy Mood video on YouTube. Go to http://www.RainyMood.com for a longer and higher quality version.
Youtube Thumbnail Warfare sound effect 2 - distant firefight
Warfare sound effect 2 - distant firefight
by TheMSsoundeffects
2:25 - 196,707 views

Modern fire fight taking place in the distance, small arms fire, helicopters passing by. Sound ripped from Modern Warfare 3 game.

Download link:
Youtube Thumbnail Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Radio Chatter
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Radio Chatter
by writtennotice
18:53 - 420,231 views

Over 10 minutes of random radio chatter from the game files. I don't know how it compares to real-life military comms.

Some references to help comprehend the chatter:

All of this stuff is located in localized_english_iw02.iwd
Extract it and look at sound\battlechatter\US\bursts
Youtube Thumbnail Some Rising Storm Allied Death Sounds
Some Rising Storm Allied Death Sounds
by Jacquefisch
7:25 - 253,148 views

Like the title says, a few of the sad death Allied sounds from the Rising Storm expansion for Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad, set to a few sad soundtracks.

The Pacific - Honour for Oboe and Strings
The Pacific - Men At War
Letters from Iwo Jima - Main Theme
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33 Numberblocks Episodes At The Same Time Sparta Pulse Remix Stirkes Again Warning from of the Starry Hole
up to faster free to use parison FULL ANIME MOVIES | ENGLISH DUBBED asmr chinese ear cleaning w bgm
hellvete droomharmonium@Nest2018 Death parade semblance of sanity vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
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