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kazi ploae la bailesti fara numar

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Youtube Thumbnail Gojira & Planet H feat. Kazi Ploae - Marea Baietzeala
Gojira & Planet H feat. Kazi Ploae - Marea Baietzeala
by GojiraPlanetH
3:09 - 934,707 views

Gojira & Planet H feat. Kazi Ploae - Marea Baietzeala

https://fb.com/Gojira.Official / https://fb.com/planethofficial / https://fb./KaziPloaeOficial

Muzica: Planet H, Gojira
Versuri: Kazi Ploae, Gojira

Videoclip realizat de:
Thomas Productions

Steadicam Operator / DP / Editor: Ovidiu Grămesc
Secondary Camera Operator: Francisc Danileț
Secondary Camera Operator: Andrei Siran
Secondary Camera Operator: Claudiu Băncilă

Premiera pe http://hiphopnews.ro
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