![]() BFDIA 3: Insectophobe's Nightmare 3
by jacknjellify 6:47 - 13,801,771 views Next episode (Ep. 4): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E174ogB49xs Even more bugs, more mortifying than ever! Recommend a character: http://battlefordreamisland.com/recommend Voting options: (one contestant will be eliminated, and one will recieve a prize) Left option: http://youtu.be/PfWoNq0Jtas Center left option: http://youtu.be/iHzL5Rql_2U Center right option: http://youtu.be/MqH3X7xyenk Right option: http://youtu.be/ONlo2dvpYbU Featuring voices provided by AnimationEpic (Nickel) and Graham Taylor (Gelatin). Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ |
![]() Inanimate Insanity II: Ep. 3 - “Tri Your Best”
by AnimationEpic 11:44 - 11,850,801 views See the entire INANIMATE INSANITY series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU4y8Uu0CFt5FFnIuD20WzJhhFCHf4dP4 PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/animationepic MERCHANDISE: https://www.teespring.com/stores/inanimateinsanity TWITTER: https://twitter.com/animationepic II DISCORD: https://discord.gg/bnvv5sR INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/animationepic REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/inanimateinsanity VOTE HERE [ENDED!]: http://www.inanimateinsanity.com/vote ~ After YinYang experiences a life-changing event, one of the bright lights faces the second elimination of the season! During the athletic trio-tournament challenge of this episode, we are going all out with the "threes." With the good and bad in this world kept in tact, what would happen to our favorite object friends if these good and bad elements were out of each other's reach? ~ This episode was TOUGH to do! Finals killed me! However I did great on my finals, so no worries! This episode was fun because it focussed on a character who didn't get much screen time prior! Unfortunately, to focus on this topic, a lot of other characters didn't do much. In fact, Baseball doesn't say a single line this episode! Shameful! I'm glad I got it up earlier than expected though, you guys deserve better than these terrible delays! And I'm sorry that episode 4 is coming out September 2nd, I couldn't control that. Taylor and I are going away for the summer for a whole month, so we are out of reach of a computer. XanyLeaves obviously can't make the episode alone! So while you wait, I highly suggest watching Xany's "Object Overload" and TeenChampion's "Object Universe" if you want your object fix. Also special thanks to Thomas-Frost for his song "puzzling" in the credits! https://soundcloud.com/t-frost Special thanks to Jacknjellify for their immense inspiration behind the series! Go subscribe to them! http://www.youtube.com/jacknjellify |
![]() Object Mayhem: Robot Frenzy (Episode 3)
by UltraToons 7:02 - 527,058 views You didn't think there was going to be another episode? Well guess again! Object mayhem is back with its third episode overall. Robo-tastic! All music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/objectmayhem WIKI: https://objectmayhem.fandom.com/wiki/Object_Mayhem_Wiki SECOND CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMU48QHPjZqAcv9Z-3TZ2Q |
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![]() Brawl Of The Objects Episode 3- The Ever Convenient Objects' Shopping Mall
by Anko6theAnimator 14:01 - 1,563,061 views So, after the elimination of one contestant on Pizza's Team, Controlly announces that the next challenge is a shopping challenge! Whichever team ends up buying the most in the end will win, and get immunity. Everybody chooses a store and begins their journey, but which team will come on top in the end? Find out in this third episode of Brawl Of The Objects! :D --- Well, I had a tight schedule this month! This is the episode with the most scenes so far, I ended up doing 9 a day for the last week of March. And my older brother had to go out of town until the end of the month, so I had to get him to do all of his 26 lines done in one day! It was hard, but at least I got through it! :) Tell me what you think of the episode, too! I enjoy your support, and I definitely loved making this episode! Enjoy! :D |
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![]() Challenge To Win Episode 3 - Cook and Eat
by 100dcx 7:52 - 210,694 views Challenge To Win episode 3: Cooking and Eating What is their challenge and who will say goodbye? See now on this new episode of Challenge To Win. Accepting reccomanded characters. Voting ends in 25 Octomber. NEW RECORD! Duration: Almost 8 minutes (7:52) T-SHIRTS! http://www.challangetowin.spreadshirt.com LIKE US ON FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/pages/Challange-To-Win/364362930314869 CHALLENGE TO WIN COMICS http://challangetowincomics.weebly.com RECOMMAND A CHARACTER http://www.google.com/moderator/#16/e=2021dc |
![]() *OLD* Object Overload: Episode 3 - Set in Stone
by XanyLeaves 13:45 - 2,395,304 views In this new installment, the O.O cast face their first ever elimination? Who will stay? Who will go? Well, stop reading this, and watch the episode! |