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sparta madhouse remix quadparsion
by kirbylover57

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Youtube Thumbnail Resident Evil 4 Sparta Madhouse V3
Resident Evil 4 Sparta Madhouse V3
by MrNosgon
2:23 - 15,096 views

Yet another RE4 sparta, recently I have long since beat the game and bought RE5 and beat that as well, also beating mercenaries. I think I would have to say I had more fun on Resident evil 4 then on five- I really hate Sheva, she got me killed on so many levels!

I like Osmund Saddler best from the Resident Evil franchise, I don't like the fact of how he's dead now, apparently forever, they killed him off too fast.

Anyway, after playing RE5 for awhile, I decided I needed a break from the game and made this Sparta remix, it has previous sources from other remix's I've done with other RE4 sparta, like-

Bitores Mendez Sparta Terror mix
And Osmund Saddler Sparta Dark heart eternal (Which I have not yet posted.)

I don't know if I'll do more sparta remix's from re4 since I think I found all the good sources for a remix, the others wont fit as well.

Saddlers voice freestyle may be either too quiet or loud, it was difficult to get his voice in there correctly, and depending on your speaker- will vary.

Sparta Base: Madhouse v3
Freestyles: Zozey1231 Sonicfan468


Resident evil belongs to Capcom, I claim nothing within the video, this was made purely for fun.
Youtube Thumbnail [Sparta Duel] I Like Trains - Sparta Madhouse V3 Remix
[Sparta Duel] I Like Trains - Sparta Madhouse V3 Remix
by JVids24Archives
2:25 - 92,996 views

Round 3 with rcmerod52
Round 2 with DanDaManStudios1
Round 1 with metaknight2011
Tried out mah new freestyle pattern with this one, hope you like! :)
No visuals this time 'cause I was lazy -.-
Copyright goes to TomSka for asdfmovies 2 & 3
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