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Annoying Goose 63 Pingu The Suck

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Youtube Thumbnail Youtube Poop: Sonic Fails At Everything
Youtube Poop: Sonic Fails At Everything
by SeaChromosomes
7:49 - 95,535 views

my newest and best YTP yet!
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Youtube Thumbnail dream logo combo:pingu end card(pygos)/hit/njp/cinar/dic/sp.
dream logo combo:pingu end card(pygos)/hit/njp/cinar/dic/sp.
by ThisIsLotso
0:31 - 65,151 views

what if the hit entertainment series pingu was aired on nick jr and was also made by cinar,dic and scolastic?if so,these logos would most likely be used.
Youtube Thumbnail The No Homework 7² Video Upload Marathon of 11 8 12 Guest List
The No Homework 7² Video Upload Marathon of 11 8 12 Guest List
by Kyoobur9000
1:00 - 83,453 views

Part of the No-Homework 7²-Video Upload Marathon of 11.8.12!

The entire guest list is as follows: Filmax, Fries Home Video, Marvel Productions Ltd./New World International, Paramount (Coming Attractions), Oz Film Manufacturing Company, Viacom (V of Steel), Cartoon Network (We've Got to Have Money), Nickelodeon (Pinch Face), Klasky Csupo, Inc. (Splaat) and my very own Kyoobur9000 Overlapping 9K Logo. No copyright infringement intended.
Youtube Thumbnail Youtube Poop Pingu gone flippin Mad!
Youtube Poop Pingu gone flippin Mad!
by SquirrelRockstar99
2:14 - 244,842 views

DISCLAIMER: The bit where chaccaron maccaron plays is very similar to a bit in a video which belonged to 4000tallman (who is once again, no longer on youtube) I credit him for inspiring me with that bit. Any comments against that bit will be deleted because I have credited the person who originally made up the gag.

Pingu is being naughty and stupid as well! And Papa swears! No ordinary Pingu Episode! My First Youtube poop, so be nice!
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Youtube Thumbnail greenyphatom2009 vs. Teletubbies
greenyphatom2009 vs. Teletubbies
by greenyphatom2009
4:15 - 18,741 views

Robert will battle the Teletubbies while during the season!
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