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Jazzy rainy fire time
by Ryan

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Youtube Thumbnail 1 Hour Godot - Fragrance of Dark Coffee - Jazz Soul
1 Hour Godot - Fragrance of Dark Coffee - Jazz Soul
by Healthy FIRE
58:30 - 880,546 views

Check out THIS relaxing video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1eZMJT4jIM&t=573s
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Youtube Thumbnail The Best Fireplace Video (3 hours)
The Best Fireplace Video (3 hours)
by MoneySavingVideos
189:07 - 11,435,053 views

Turn any TV into a virtual fireplace by purchasing this 3 hour video on DVD or Blu-Ray Disk for only $10 US free shipping worldwide:

DVD: http://www.ebay.com/itm/-/262187673077
Blu-ray Disk: http://www.ebay.com/itm/-/262327667316

If you prefer the audio only of this video I have it in .mp3 file format so you can play it or download it (for free) here:

This is a 3 hour crackling REAL fire in a REAL fireplace. 1080p and 5.1 Dolby sound. No repeats or loops!! So real you'll want to keep a fire extinguisher nearby!

To see my entire Relaxing Playlist click here:

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Or see my 3 hour tropical beach video:

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