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Stalingrad firefight 1942 V1

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Youtube Thumbnail Warfare sound effect 5 - WWII Berlin firefight
Warfare sound effect 5 - WWII Berlin firefight
by TheMSsoundeffects
3:15 - 153,501 views

Heavy and severe firefight in Berlin during WWII between Russian and Nazi armies. Bullets flying, grenades and artillery rounds exploding. Sound effect ripped from Call Of Duty game.

Download link:
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Youtube Thumbnail Some Red Orchestra 2 Wehrmacht death moans
Some Red Orchestra 2 Wehrmacht death moans
by user5135
5:18 - 35,663 views

Russian voices:
German voice actors at their best
Youtube Thumbnail extreme Artillery sound
extreme Artillery sound
by Vault - Tec
1:15 - 362,550 views

The sound u here if u stey next to a Artillery Regimet. Including screaming officer and war sounds.

----------------------------- V A U L T - T E C -----------------------------

Informative literature:

Vault Dweller's Survival Guide (Orginal Version) [PDF]:

Vault Dweller's Survival Guide (Extended Version) [PDF]:

----------------------------- V A U L T - T E C -----------------------------
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