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Teenage Mutant Seizure Turtle

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Youtube Thumbnail Christine Lowe Having an Epileptic Seizure (Graphic)
Christine Lowe Having an Epileptic Seizure (Graphic)
by Russell Barth
3:37 - 4,589,587 views

When dealing with a person having a seizure, do NOT put anything in their mouth, ever. Period. Don't. Got it? Good.

Next, put them on their side - doesn't matter which - in a sort of face-down on the side kind of position. The key is to make sure the saliva can run OUT of the mouth, and not back into the throat and the lungs. Remove glasses and loosen clothing where you can.

Try to prop up the person's head with something soft like a jacket or your thigh. If you see them bashing their foot or hand or any other part, try to pad that, too.
When they start to flail, very -VERY- gently keep them from crashing into stuff and flopping around and hurting themselves. DO NOT restrain them in a hard way as you can tear muscles and so on. Just keep them from hurting themselves. Gently.

DO NOT call 911 immediately. Some people with epilepsy do not want to deal with ambulances and hospitals (and COPS!!!!) just because of ONE seizure. DON'T presume. Let them ride it out and come to. After 30-40 minutes, the "waking self" is back, so let them decide what to do next. Ask them questions and see how quick the answer. The alphabet, simple stuff. You will see them come around fairly quickly, tho times can vary.

If the person has hit their head or is otherwise injured - of if they go into another seizure immediately after the first, call 911.
Check for drug allergy ID. The wrong drug can kill them.

IF you want to use this footage for a school project, to teach, or any way re-use this footage, THIS is our permission slip to you. use it. learn. teach. share. spread it around. copy it. download it and burn it to disks and pass them out in the street. Disseminate!!!

If you want to use the footage for an insulting mash-up - as some people already have - then you are a monster. Unless it is funny, and well done, in which case, let's see it, punk.

Footage of a Graphic Epileptic Seizure, caught on tape, Jan, 2003.
Author, illustrator, artist Christine Lowe introduces it.

also: http://www.facebook.com/PetitMalSeizures
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